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«    July 2008    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Bady-Dorzhu Ondar Grand-Prix Winner in Khoomey

alt25-year-old throat-singer Bady-Dorzhu, Alash ensemble musician, has been recognised the best khoomey-singer in the khoomey contest which took place in Tuva within the framework of the 5th International Khoomey Symposium. Over 100 singers and ensembles took place in it. Bady Dorzhu was presented with a car. Chirgilchin group was defined the best in ensemble contest. $1000 prize-money went to the group.

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Dina Oyun

Evraz to invest $1.5 bln in Siberian coal field

Evraz Group, the Russian steel maker part-owned by billionaire Roman Abramovich, plans to invest $1.5 billion bringing the Mezhegei coal field in Siberia into production after winning it at auction on Thursday.

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Robin Paxton and Polina Devitt / REUTERS

Tuva Preparing to Host Throat Singing Admirers from all over the World

Last preparations for the Fifth international Symposium “Khoomei – Cultural Phenomenon of the Peoples of Central Asia' are taking place in Tuva. The symposium from July 24-28 will be attended by performers of throat singing, scientists from Mongolia, Bashkortostan, Kyrgyzstan, Altai, Khakassia, Buryatia, Kalmykia, Yakutia, Moscow, Novosibirsk, Japan, USA, France, Holland, Austria, and Denmark. The symposium is being held by the Ministry of Culture and Informational Politics of the Republic of Tuva and the International Scientific Center “Khoomei” as a part of the Year of Khoomei.
The Symposium program includes: Scientific conference, international competition of Khoomei and overtone singing performers, master classes in all styles of Tuvan Khoomei, Exhibition and sale of Tuvan national instruments and crafts of Tuvan arts masters, display and sale of Tuvan national dress and designs of local fashion designers, sightseeing, organization of round-table discussions on the problems of Khoomei, ceremonial preparation of traditional Tuvan dishes, cultural programs.
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Ministry of Culture of Tuva

Bicycle Race 'Sayan Ring' Started out on the Kyzyl-Chadan Route

Today, the bicycle race “Sayan Ring” will pass through the Kyzyl-Chadan route. Yesterday, the race “Kriterium” took place on the main square of Kyzyl, the capital of the republic. Two veterans of bicycle racing, Anatoliy Khramlyuk and Andrei Semagin, achieved remarkable results. Both are former trainees of the illustrious trainer of Russia, Valeriy Denshchikov.
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Bicycle Race “KRITERIUM” Takes Place in Kyzyl

Today, July 8, the bicycle race “Kriterium” will take place in Kyzyl at 11:00 in Lenin Street. The bicyclists participating in the race “The Sayan Ring” are now in Tuva. They were met by the leaders of the Tuvan department of the “One Russia” party. Among those meeting the bicyclists, there were also heads of the departments of the localities through which the race will be routed. – Kyzyl, Ulug-Khem, Chaa-Khol, Dzun-Khem, Ak-Dovurak. This is the first time that an athlete from Tuva is actually participating in the race. It is the 38-year-old Alexandr Nemkin.
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Dina Oyun, translated by Heda Jindrak
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