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«    June 2009    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

A Quota from Moscow to continue therapy for little Arat Mongush

The entire republic was watching the action “Help Arat!”, which was initiated to help 7-year-old Arat Mongush. It started on April1 of this year from an announcement by Tuvan students on the Internet. Our countrymen notified us, that a little boy from Chadan is in treatment in one of St. Peterburg hospitals. The boy had had expensive surgery, and needed money to pay for his therapy.

After the fact was publicized, the Ministry of Culture and Information of Tuva conducted a charity concert. In one evening, the citizens of Tuva collected approximately 220 thousand rubles. Money continued to come in to the account that was opened especially for Arat in Rosbank. To date, according to Arat’s mother, Anisya Kim-oolovna, about 280 thousand rubles were collected. After prolonged and persistent work by the government and the Ministry of Health of Tuva, the question of apportioning a quota of moneys in the program “Providing Advanced Medical Technology Help”, in the framework of the national project “Health”. This week, Arat, accompanied by his mother and sister, is going for chemotherapy to Moscow’s Scientific-Practical Center of Pediatric Medical Treatment, part of the Department of Health Protection of the capital city.

The Agreement of Co-operation between the Government of Tuva and Moscow played a crucial role in this. The chief pediatric specialist of the Ministry of Health of Tuva, Erenmaa Ondar, announced this at a press conference.

According to the quota, the therapy and transportation to Moscow and back will be realized at the expense of the federal budget.

At the end of the press conference, Arat and his mother expressed gratitude to all those who helped, from the Tuvan students in St. Peterburg and Moscow, to Arat’s classmates from school.

Kheimer-ool Oorzhak, translated by Heda Jindrak
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