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«    April 2009    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

A 7-year-old child from Tuva urgently needs help

A 7-year-old child from Tuva, who has cancer, urgently needs help. His mother posted an appeal to all the good-hearted people on internet site . This is the text of her letter:

Greetings! We live in Republic Tuva. There are three children in the family. Arat is the youngest one. He is seven years old.

In September 2008, Arat started first grade. He learned with great interest and with the best grades. One day during the fall vacation he had an elevated temperature, which went down after 2 days, and he felt better. In December he started complaining of pain in his neck. On December 15, after examination in the district and republic hospitals, we were given a terrible diagnosis: brain tumor. Relatives, friends and neighbors collected money for Arat’s treatment. The sold all their cattle and collected 300,000 rubles. We got to St.Peterburg on December 22. By that time, Arat’s condition markedly worsened. He could not walk, he was constantly vomiting, and was in intolerable pain.

On December 26, he had a shunt put in, and on January 15, the tumor was removed. All the treatment has to be paid. Since February 18, we have been at the Pediatric Oncology Department at city hospital. Arat was prescribed chemotherapy and radiotherapy. My son is still in a very serious condition – he does not speak, does not walk, and has constant abdominal pain. At this time, he has had 24 radiotherapy treatments, and he still needs another 62 treatments.

The ministry of health of the republic promises help, but there is no real help. We are divorcing, and I am taking care of the children by myself.

I am thanking all who will respond to our predicament.

Anisya Kiim-oolovna Mongush, mother.

Address for postal transfers:

668110 Republic Tuva

g. Chadan, ul. Lesnaya,5

Contact telephone:

+7 (981) 716-50-47

Arat is receiving chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The boy is trying to speak and to walk. He is getting tube feedings. There are problems with stool.

Arat’s mom.

Kheimer-ool Oorzhak, translated by Heda Jindrak
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