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» » The whole world is helping 7-year-old Arat – already 6 thousand US dollars has been collected
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«    April 2009    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

The whole world is helping 7-year-old Arat – already 6 thousand US dollars has been collected

Collection of the means to help seven-year-old Arat, who has a brain tumor, is going on in Tuva. The action was initiated by Tuvan reporters. As soon as the first announcement that the little boy needs urgent help appeared, the Tuvan journalists immediately reacted. Quickly, contact with Arat’s mother, Anisya Kim-oolovna was established. She was invited to a press conference, where she told the reporters about her son’s condition.

The chief of Regulation of Courts, Alexandr Saryglar, deputy of Legislative House, president of foundation “Mama” Galina Munzuk, merited artist of Republic Tuva Galina Syuryun, and chief of department of propaganda of the “United Russia” party Saima Dalchin came to her support.

On April 8, cultural workers made a decision to hold a benefit concert on April 17, to donate the proceeds for the medical treatment of the little boy from Chadan.

On the suggestion of Viktoria Peemot, Arat’s mother opened a foreign currency account. The journalist promised to spread the information amongst her colleagues in other countries. The reporters of GTRK “Tyva” organized a sms-support. They also contributed means for Arat’s treatment. The chairman of the Association of Municipal Units of Tuva and head of Kyzyl Viktor Tunev addressed his colleagues, the heads of kozhuuns, with an appeal for help. The Ministry of Health Protection of Tuva turned to the deputy of National Duma, Larisa Shoigu, with a request to transfer Arat from St. Peterburg to Moscow, and to apportion a quota for his treatment at a medical facility.

Altogether, about 3 million rubles will be needed for Arat’s medical treatment.

By April 8, the charity site “Advita” reported that the first contributions were already coming in. On March 30, Lyubov Yegorovna Shalayeva already transferred 4000 rubles.

Arat Mongush was born in Chadan on August 23, 2001. He is the third son in the family. During the fall vacation, he developed elevated temperature, but after 2 days the child improved. In December 2008, the child started complaining of pain in his neck. On December 15, a brain tumor was diagnosed. In December 22, Anisya Mongush took her son to St. Peterburg. By that time, Arat’s condition deteriorated: he could not walk, vomited constantly, and he was in intolerable pain.

A shunt was installed on December 26, and on January 15, the tumor was removed. Since February 18, Arat has been in St.Peterburg City Hospital 31. He is undergoing radiation therapy, which will be finished on April 28. After that, the child will be transferred to Kyzyl. Then he will need to undergo chemotherapy. A single dose costs 160,000 rubles, and he will need to take it for 8 months. There is no pediatric oncologist in Tuva.

The question of apportioning the quota for his further treatment remains open. The limit of the quotas allowed the republic for this year has already been exhausted. The Ministry of health is ready to pay off the costs of the boy’s treatment, and his mother has already been given 130,000 rubles.

At the charity concert on April 17, 218,000 rubles was collected. This sum does not include the means needed printing the tickets and the pay for the work groups.

Thanks to the support of the journalists, the information that the little boy from Tuva with a horrible diagnosis needs urgent help was quickly disseminated throughout the country.

The information about the boy’s illness, placed on the English language version of Tuva-Online, did not leave friends of Tuva from other countries indifferent. German publisher Juergen Boden sent $250 by the Western Union system to Anisya Mongush.

The organizers of the action and Arat’s Mother wish to express their gratitude to:

-advertising-polygraphic company “Eskado” ( specifically Yekaterina Kendenbil),

-ZAO “Televideokompania” ( sp. Kuzin V.V.),

-OOO”Telecentr”(sp. Yelena Khovalyg),

-“Avtoradio Kyzyl”, (sp. Vladislav Kan-ool),

-system of Government of Republic Tuva (sp. Kochergin V.A., and Kuranskaya T.M.),

-Khural of representatives of city of Kyzyl,

-Administration of courts,

-Investigatory administration of Investigative committee RF for RT,

-religious votaries from Ulug-Khem kozhuun Konchak Chinle and Konchak Rigsan,

-administraton of Dzun-Khemchik kozhuun,

-workers of House of Culture, Mergen-Kherel Mongush (Chadan), Dolaana Kara-Sal and Saida Byurbyu,

-financial-budgetary supervision service of RT,

-Choodu Chanzanmaa Satovna,

-classmates and work colleagues of Arat’s father, Mart-ool Dorzhuevich,

-representatives of party “United Russia” in legislative department,

- and everybody else who sent money and expressed words of support.

Also much gratitude to:

-Ministry of Culture and information policy of Tuva, and especially Vyacheslav Dongak,

- Tuvan theatre of music and drama of V. Kok-ool, specifically to Nachyn Shalyk and all the services,

- National Artist of Tuva, Stanislav Iril,

- Merited artists of Tuva, Galina Syuryun, Yulianna Ondar, Luiza Mortay-ool, Aidysmaa Koshkendey, Borbak-ool Salcvhak, Serepea Mongush,

-Saizana Syuryun, Ayana Tyulyush, Rafael Enzak, Ertne Mongush, Sailyk Ommun, Dolaana Kuular, folklore group and ensemble and ballet artists of National ensemble of song and dance “Sayany”, “Mini-Miss Kyzyl 2008” Dan-Khaya Kuular.

Great gratitude to the masters of ceremonies of the evening, Rolanda Kazachkova, Irina Zykova, Dina Myndyrmaa, Yulia Schmidt, Ivan Makarov and Dmitri Kryzh – journalists of telecompany “Novyi Vek”.

The action “HELP ARAT!” continues.

(You can easily donate money for little Arat Mongush by PayPal and other systems. Please go to the www.advita.ru site, go to English or German language version, and Arat’s photo is in the first row. Click on his name, then click on DONATE Online; you can select your system and Arat’s name among the patients.)

Kheimer-ool Oorzhak, Dina Oyun, translated by Heda Jindrak
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