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» » Fedor Konyukhov (“Great Silk Road” expedition) brought to Tuva for medical help
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«    June 2009    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Fedor Konyukhov (“Great Silk Road” expedition) brought to Tuva for medical help

Famous traveler Fedor Konyukhov was forced to interrupt his participation in his international project “Along the Great Silk Road”, which started

on May 13 in Ulan-Bator, because of illness.

He felt the first symptoms of illness on June 3. On June 9, after an acute deterioration of his health status he turned for medical help to the hospital in Ulangom, the administrative center of Uvs-Nuur aimak of Mongolia.

However, the system of health care of the aimak turned out not to be prepared to handle the diagnostic procedures. The hospital did not have even the most basic requirements - light and necessary medications.

After contacting the leadership of Republic Tuva, Fedor Konyukhov was picked up on the Russian-Mongolian border point in Khandagaity-Borshoo by a team of Tuvan health workers, and taken to the hospital in the capital. In Kyzyl, laboratory samples were taken, first aid was administered, and a consultation of the physicians’ team was performed.

The traveler’s health status has stabilized. Now it is considered satisfactory and not critical anymore, explained the minister of health of Tuva, Aleksandr Oorzhak.

A telephone call between the heads of Tuva and Kalmykia, Sholban Kara-ool and Kirsan Ilyumzhinov took place today.

Ilyumzhinov is one of the initiators of the project “Along the Great Silk Road”, which is expected to finish in Elist, the capital of Kalmykia. The project is dedicated to the 400th anniversary of Kalmykia’s entrance into the system of Russian State.

The expedition continues, and, according to plan, the caravan is expected to arrive to the border crossing point Tashakta in Altai republic on June 30. The itinerary through the Kosh-Agach district territory has been worked out for the length of 130 km. Because the expedition will be leaving their Mongolian camels and horses on the Mongolian side of the border crossing, 18 camels and 30 horses have been selected and prepared for the expedition. The strongest 12 camels and 15 horses from this group will participate in the expedition.

Dina Oyun, translated by Heda Jindrak
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