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«    March 2012    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Sanatorium and preventative health care spa "Serebryanka" recognized as the best Tuvan health care facility

Sanatorium and preventative health care spa "Serebryanka" recognized as the best Tuvan health care facilityA new health care facility opened three years ago on the grounds of a former preventative care facility of the coal strip mine - republican center for rehabilitative medicine for veterans of Great Patriotic War and military activities. The head of the region, Sholban Kara-ool insisted on the necessity of creation of such a center. It was on his instructions that the almost completely derelict building was totally renovated, and the first veterans underwent a course of therapy  there by 9 May of 2008.

And for its third birthday - the chief physician Oksana Ivanovna Gostyukhina considers 26 March of 2009 as the beginning of the biography of the medical facility, when they received their license - the staff received a present in the form of recognition as the best health care facility of the republic.

Beside a cardiology and neurology departments, there is also a rehabilitation therapy department. Working citizens are sent to the sanatorium for a course of rehabilitation of 21 - 24 days. 18-day sessions are  given to beneficiaries of  Fund of Social Insurance, and veterans of the Great Patriotic War, soldiers-internationalists, get 10-day courses of therapy. A contract was signed with the MVD for rehabilitation of staff who return for "hot points".

The sanatorium is equipped to solve various tasks. The aroma-phyto-therapy séance usually takes half an hour, but people relax so thoroughly that they may fall asleep, and stay for 40 minutes, even a whole hour without any harm to their health. The medical staff does not even try to wake them up. There is a treatment room, the only one in the republic, performing therapy with pure salt without iodine, brought for Irkutsk region; the walls and floor of the room are covered with it. The salt is poured into an apparatus, and the patients breathe its vapors for respiratory tract disease, asthma, and immune deficiency.

The treatment room "Cedar doctor" has walls lined with panels of natural cedar, which kills microbes.  It is indicated for diseases of respiratory organs and nervous system. Here one also can sleep.  86-year-old Grigoriy Sanchaa, right now undergoing therapy, is in the sanatorium for the second time.

The sauna is panelled with tsugi wood, the heat penetrates deep into the body, and improves the circulation.

The water therapy includes Charcot shower, pearl bath, geyser bath, hydro-massage, and mud bath therapy (the mud is from local lakes).

There is a well equipped treatment room for diseases of vertebral column, but that is prescribed only after MRI test.

The physio-cabinet is remarkable for its SPA-capsule for therapy with light and sound. It is indicated in stress conditions and irregular  metabolism. Another capsule is a magneto-turbotron, where the patient is subjected to the action of magnetic low-particle radiation. It is indicated for osteoporosis, arthritic conditions arthrosis, and in women - for uterine myoma, mastopathy and other problems.

Dry carbon dioxide bath is basically for patients with cardiac pathologies and hypertension - it dilates blood vessels.

These are the procedures for the patients. And they all live in two-bed rooms, each of which has a toilet and shower. There is also a VIP - room, where the famous traveler Fedor Konyukhov was hospitalized when he came to Tuva because of  unforeseen circumstances.

Right now, 19 patients are at the sanatorium, 40 have been discharged. But a new batch of patients is scheduled to arrive on Monday.  Among them are people from settled areas of Kaa-Khem district, which suffered the most in the earthquakes.

Quite recently, before 8 March, a conference hall was opened on the ground floor of the sanatorium.  And humanitarian cargo was sent from America for the exercise room.

-  We are not in any programs of modernization of health care, nor in a national project, - says the chief physician Oksana Gostyukhina, - we survive on our own, and the profits go into development. As far as plans are concerned, all the patients are asking to get the sanatorium enlarged. We will work on it.

Our question if it is possible to get into the sanatorium in a "side way",  maybe as paying guests, the chief physician  answered, that only a district physician can send patients, and only with definite indications.

Yelena Chadamba, translated by Heda Jindrak
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