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«    June 2009    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Sut-Khol is Getting Ready to host the republican Naadym

Sut-Khol kozhuun, which won the right to host the republic Naadym-2009, based on the results of socio-economic development, is getting ready to welcome quests. The regional center is being put in order and the stadium is being renovated.

The best animal herders of Tuva will gather in Sut-Aksy on June 30-31.

“The main idea of Naadym is to honor the workers of the villages, who by their daily work secure the basic necessities of life for us, - says the vice-premier Valentin Yendan, who heads the organization committee for the Naadym preparations.

-Animal herding remains one of the most important branches of Tuvan economy, and not only because of the economics. Cattle husbandry forms the basis of life of a significant proportion of the population, and the basis of behavior towards the surrounding nature, rituals, ceremonies and traditions. That is why this holiday is truly national.”

There will be continuation of the competition in professional mastery among the workers which was started last year. On June 23, there will be a competition in sheep shearing in Sut-Khol. On July 9, masters of machine milking will be competing in Kaa-Khem district. And in the middle of July, there will be competitions in mowing with a scythe.

The Sut-Khol people, as the winners of the socio-economic development rating will receive a grain-growers’ MTS.

Remember that Sut-Khol kozhuun traditionally has the highest rate of grain harvest in the country.

Info from the government press-agency translated by Heda Jindrak
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