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«    June 2009    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Scientific Journal about Tuva on the Internet

There is a new electronic resource – scientific informational journal “New Research on Tuva” (http://www.tuva.asia/) This project of a group of the leading researchers of Tuva will enable a wide audience to find out about the latest achievements and findings of research on Tuva, and in its turn- to enrich the findings about Tuva. It will help to organize a dialogue of the scientists of various regions and schools of thought, as well as of different generations. This resource will be useful to scientists and savants, graduate students, students, and anybody who is interested in science and relevant problems of social development of Tuva.

The scientific basis of the project is the Moscow University of Humanities (sub-division “Institute of Basic and Applied Research”).(IFPI MosGU).

IFPI MosGU started working in co-operation with Tuvan Institute of Humanitarian Research, Tuvan State University, and also many other organizations and individual scientists.

The purpose of the project is to bring together the efforts of various specialists in contemporary social problems in Russia and Tuva; to bring together the work of the scientists and the wide public to together evaluate the current matters of development of Tuva; to organize a scientific dialogue between the various specialists in Eastern cultures (experts in nomadic cultures, turkologists, experts in Buddhism, mongolists, etc.), to solve current questions in modernization of nomadic cultures in XXI Century.

The scientific journal “New Research on Tuva” will be published on quarterly schedule –

Four times a year, and will be associated with sub-projects: “Tuva.Asia” ( a news thread of tuvology and for tuvology) - in an on-line format; division “Personalities” – constantly updated data base of specialists with their personal data and lists of publications; electronic library ( data base of publications about Tuva, and references of dissertations since the early 1990’s, and others.

Among the topics of “New Research on Tuva” are:

“Many faces of modernization”, “Time of Changes”, “New World – New Approaches”,

“Nomads of the Asian Continent”, “Tuva Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow”, and others, including departments dedicated to major events of the year.

Members of the editorial board are:

Z.V. Anayban – Doctor of Historical Sciences, head scientist of Institute of Eastern Studies of RAN

K.A. Bicheldei – Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, director of Tuvan Institute of Humanitarian Research of the Government of Tuva, Academian of RAEN;

D.D. Vasilyev – Candidate of Historical Sciences, head of department of Eastern History of Institute of Eastern Studies of RAN;

A.P. Damba-Khuurak - Vice-chairman of government of Tuva;

I.A. Zakharov-Gezekhus – Doctor of Biological Sciences, corresponding member of RAN, main scientific worker of N.I. Vavilov’s Institute of General Genetics;

Sh.V. Kara-ool – Chairman of the Government of Republic Tuva;

O.I. Karnukhin – Doctor of Sociological sciences, Professor, adviser of the Chairman of the Council of federation FS RF, Merited Scientist of RF;

Val.A. Lukov – Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, pro-rector in science and publishing, director of IFPI MosGU;

S.O. Ondar –Doctor of Biological Sciences, Rector of Tuvan State University;

Ch.-D.B. Ondar – chairman of political committee of Assembly of od Nations of Russia;

Yu.V. Popkov – Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, vice-director of sector of ethno-social research of Institute of Philosophy and law of SO RAN;

V.K. Fedotova – Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, , head of sector ofInstitute of Philosophy of RAN, academician RAEN;

B.G. Yudin – Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, corresponding member of RAN, head of department of Complex Study of Man of the Institute of Philosophy RAN.

Editorial Team:

Ch.K. Lamazhaa – Candidate of Philosophical sciences (main editor of the journal, author of the project),

A.K. Kuzhuget – Doctor of Culturology,

V.Yu. Suzukei Doctor of Culturology;

S.M. Orus-ool – Doctor of Philosophical Sciences,

O.M. Khomushku – Doctor of Philosophical Sciences,

M.A. Chanzan

A.S. Papyn.

The Editors invite scientists, young and beginning research workers (students, graduate students, but also journalists, politicians, specialists in various fields, to become writers for the journal, to send in information for the news thread.

It is also suggested that frequent users of the site register, in order to be able to utilize all the auxiliary services: to receive notifications about the newest improvements on the site, to correspond with other users, to comment on the news and the journal, and to have access to the restricted electronic library.

The first issue of the journal ( a double No.No.1-2 for 2009) will appear on the site on July 1. Among the authors of this issue are the leading Philosophers, workers of MosGu, TIGI, Aldan-Maadyr National Museum of RT and others. You will read exclusive interview with the Director of TIGI, K.Bicheldei, with the ethnomusicologist V.Yu.Suzukei, the overview of meetings among Tuvan scientists, news of the lives of scientists from other regions of Russia, among other things.

New articles of invited authors will appear in the following issues – major Russian scientists, Eastern Studies experts, specialists in Tuvan studies from other countries, including translated works.

The portal is also open to new ideas, suggestions, and there are plans for further development.

The project was realized with the support of Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation (grant 09-03-12130v).

Alexander Papyn, translated by Heda Jindrak
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