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Putin’s one-day vacation in Tuva – in the headlines of British media

The British media again have been very excited about the way the Russian Premier Vladimir Putin spends his vacation, and they exhort the British to follow his example.

As the correspondents of RIA Novosti report, the theme of Putin’s one-day Tuvan vacation never left the headlines of British newspapers, main pages of internet-sites, and news television channels over the past two days.

On Thursday, the newspaper Guardian did not just simply publish a photo of the Russian Premier swimming butterfly-style in a Tuvan river, but enhanced the report by illustrated istructions how to learn to swim in this style, under the title “Try it yourself”.

The issue reminds readers that this is not the first time that Putin stood in front of the whole world in manly poses on the background of raw nature – fishing, with wild animals, etc.

“This time, the vacation photos document a swimming Premier-Minister of Russia. And not just floating on his back, rocking on the waves, or unhurriedly swimming with a breast stroke. Putin, characteristically, chose the butterfly style”, - notes Guardian. In the opinion of the newspaper, there is a deep meaning in it , with a claim to leadership. “Because butterfly is such an aggressively athletic style, with both arms working simultaneously in co-ordination with pushing by both legs, not every mortal decides to do this, for example, while relaxing in a hotel swimming-pool”, - ironically notes the newspaper. Those, for whom the instructions in pictures and written description are not enough, can observe the Russian Premier’s swimming style in a video on their internet site.

RIA Novosti, translated by Heda Jindrak
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