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«    September 2009    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

The Abbot of the strongest Tibetan monastery blessed the temple complex “Ustuu-Khuree”

On the invitation of the Kamby-Lama of Republic Tuva, the worthy Geshe-Lharamba Yonten Damcho, the abbot of the Drepung Gomang monastery, where currently Tuvan, Buryatian and Kalmyk monks are studying, came to Tuva.

In the morning, there was a joint prayer ceremony with Tuvan monks in the “Tsechenling” khuree, where the Worthy Yonten Damcho greeted the citizens of the republic and thanked them for the invitation.

During the day, the Worthy Yonten Damcho, during “round table” meetings met with the delegates of the Legislative House of the Great Khural of Republic Tyva, headed by Vitalii Bartyna-Sady. Many questions were evaluated during the meetings, including the possibility of a visit of His Holiness The Dalai-Lama XIV to Tuva. As the Worthgy Yonten Damcho remarked: “A visit by His Holiness is possible only if the three Buddhist Republics and the wide public unite their efforts, and should not be connected with politics.”

Later, together with the lamas of the administration, Yonten Damcho visited the National Museum of Republic Tyva, where he acquainted himself with the noteworthy exhibits, including the exhibition “Buddhism in Tuva”, where unique specimens from the collections were represented.

In the evening, a meeting with the citizens of Tuva took place. Many people met the Teacher earlier by the entrance with white scarves-khadaks, presenting him with the gifts of deep respect.

Then a prayer ceremony for the citizens of Tuva took place. The most important part of the program was a lecture, given by the Yonten Damcho and the Kamby-Lama of RT together.

Many questions were asked during this evening.

On September 13, the delegation went to Chadan, where they visited the “Ustuu-Khuree”, and the acting “Aldyy-Khuree”. Remember that the temple complex “Ustuu-Khuree” was completely reconstructed next to the walls of the original khuree, which was destroyed during the reign of the Soviets. Many people from Chadan and neighboring settlements came to the meeting with the Abbot of the Drepung Gomang monastery. A bit later, a prayer ceremony was held where the Worthy Yonten Damcho blessed the believers and the temple complex “Ustuu-Khuree”.

Remember that the reconstruction of the temple complex continues. With the support of the delegate of the State Duma, Larisa Shoigu, and the foundation “Por-Bazhyn”, buildings for study and administration are being erected on the temple campus.

From info by, translated by Heda Jindrak
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