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» Posts of 06.02.2010
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«    Fabruary 2010    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Albert Kuvezin’s new album “Poety i mayaki” (“Poets and Lighthouses”)

In the summer of 2010, the group “Albert Kuvezin and Yat-Kha” will depart on a promo-tour of Europe and North America with a new album “Poety i mayaki” (Poets and Lighthouses). The solo album of the legendary Siberian rocker, which was recorded in the summer of 2008 in Scotland on the island of Jura in the private studio of musician and producer Giles Perring, is now completely ready to come out. It is interesting that the illustrious writer George Orwell wrote his last novel, “1984” on this same island.

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Mergen Loigu, translated by Heda Jindrak

More than 1000 items of the Rushev family filled the museum collections in Tuva

1206 items of Nikolai Konstantinovich and Nadia Rushevs, were given to the National Museum of Republic Tuva.

100 of Nadia’s drawings, more than 200 of Nikolai Rushev’s paintings, photograph albums, booklets, posters, and also pins, which Nadia Rusheva used to collect as a schoolgirl, were donated to the museum by the young artist’s mother, the first ballerina of Tuva, Natalia Azhikmaa-Rusheva.

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Dina Oyun, translated by Heda Jindrak
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