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« June 2010 » |
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17 June 2010 | Views: 4813 | Comments: 0 |
Tuvan alpinists Maadyr-ool Khovalyg, Mariana Surunchap and Vladimir Dyukov successfully conquered their fourth peak, the highest mountain of North America, Mt.MacKinley (6193 meters)., which was named “Denali”, the highest, the greatest, by Native Americans.
As the alpinists reported from Anchorage, the ascent took 16 days.
Rasul Surun, translated by Heda Jindrak |
16 June 2010 | Views: 3169 | Comments: 0 |
What was really Por-bazhyn – a castle, a palace of the ruler, a mandala or a temple? What does the complicated labyrinth of its buildings and structures represent? Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences Dadar-ool Dan-Sürün presented his version. In his opinion, Por-Bazhyn is an ancient Uighur observatory. He shared his version with the readers of “Tuvinskaya Pravda” and “Subbotnaya panorama”. The publication caused a great resonance. One of the first who responded was Doctor of historical sciences, professor of TGU Nikolai Abayev.
Aleksandr Filatenko, Tuvinskaya Pravda, tuva.asia, translated by Heda Jindrak |
14 June 2010 | Views: 3994 | Comments: 0 |
Press-tours of local journalists to the objects enteredinto the “Nine treasures” contest continue. Group of journalists from TV company “Tyva”, newspaper “Plyus Inform” and “Tuvinskaya Pravda”, headed by Anna Khadakhane, the co-ordinator of the project, with organizational support of Ulug-Khem department of culture employment center visited arzhaan Senek, viewed the ruins of ancient Shagonar fortified town, and appreciated the startling beauty of the secluded canyon Kyzyl-El near the foot of Ush-Mooruk mountain.
Dina Oyun, translated by Heda Jindrak, photos by Anna Khadakhane |
11 June 2010 | Views: 3119 | Comments: 0 |
This morning a very significant event took place in the lives of the Buddhists of the republic – the ritual of sanctification of Mt. Bai-Taiga was performed. For the past three years, the ritual has been attracting immense numbers of pilgrims. The head of Tuva, Sholban Kara-ool also participates. Since time immemorial it has been known that the sanctification of Mt. Bai-Taiga stimulates the sulde and khei-at (Spirit and Wind Horse).
gov.tuva.ru, translated by Heda Jindrak |
6 June 2010 | Views: 2856 | Comments: 0 |
The very first object to be submitted to the “Nine Treasures” contest was Mount Dogee, located near Kyzyl. A veteran journalist, honorable citizen of Kyzyl, Kara-Kuske Choodu, told of the secrets of this well-known, yet, as it turned out, unknown mountain. She has always been a place of veneration, and every year, rituals of sanctification have taken place here. Multiple ovaa on the mountain were destroyed by the revolutionaries during anti-religious campaigns in the 30’s of the last century.
tosertine.ru, translated by Heda Jindrak |
1 June 2010 | Views: 2810 | Comments: 0 |
The Tandy and Chaa-Khol kozhuuns were the first ones to start work on the objects entered into the “Nine Treasures” project (Tos Ertine) involving the attractions of the republic. Today, residents of Chaa-Khol kozhuun will start cleaning up and arranging the area at the estuary of Chaa-Khol river, where a Buddhist niche stands carved into the Sume rock. This niche had always been a place of worship for the local population, and the goal of tourist pilgrimages. In the 90’s, this area fell into the zone of Sayano-Shusenskoe dam, and the niche ended up under the water.
Dina Oyun, translated by Heda Jindrak |