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«    July 2010    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

A schoolboy led an excursion for foreign tourists

A presentation of the first tourist tours  “A visit to the Scythians” and “etiquette of the Tuvan yurt” took place in the framework of the “Tos Ertine” special project in the Valley of the Tzars of Pii-Khem kozhuun. the presentation was organized by Svetlana Kyzyl-ool, an enterpreneur, and by the open-air museum “Arzhaan-2”.  Tourists from Norway and Switzerland, who came together with representatives of Krasnoyarsk firm “Sayanskoye koltso”, were able to evaluate one of the proposed tour  itineraries, where they were shown the “Arzhaan-1” and “Arzhaan-2” kurgans, the ecological aspect of the  burials was explained, and an exposition of  photos of the gold objects found here was shown to them.

Another group of tourists stayed in a real Tuvan yurt, learned about traditions of Tuvan people, and sampled real Tuvan “izig khan” ( fresh hot blood sausage). the excursion was led by a 10-year-old student of  Lyceum No. 15 of Kyzyl, Oorzhak Dorzhu-Chotpa.

Representatives of Agency of State Employment Service of republic Tuva were among the guests as well.

- Representatives of kozhuun employment centers were among us as well, who have never been to the exhibition “Scythian Gold” in the National Museum, - tells us the chief of the department of analysis of work market, and co-ordination of employment, social support, profession preparation and profession orientation, Artna Chechek Valerianovna. - They were astonished by the elegance and craftsmanship of the jewelry and decorations from the kurgans, introduced in the photo exposition. Svetlana Kyzyl-ool, vice-director of scholarly works of Tarlag SOSh, who has been collecting materials about  the “Valley of Tzars” for three years, decided to organize this year a recreation base “The cradle of the Scythians”, aimed at  educational historical-archeological tourism. - Do you wish to learn about the mysteries of the existence of the great Scythian tribes? Visit us! - Svetlana Ivanovna invites the tourists.

remember that the special project “Tos Ertine started on January 15, 2010, and is dedicated to the Year of Tourism. 238 entries were submitted to the contest for the March 15 deadline. The Expert Council selected 110  “treasures” from all the kozhuuns of Tuva for participation in the next stages of the competition.


Contests taking place until August 20:

-  for the best action for arrangement of entered attractions (notify the Organizing committee of the contest beforehand)

-  for the best press material about the attractions of Tuva;

-  for the best photo material on the subject of attractions of Tuva;

-  for the best video recording of the entered attractions;

-  for the best radio program about the ongoing realization of the project (Tos Ertine)

    (Nine Treasures”;

-  for the best theme tour itinerary which includes the “Treasures”.

In the fall, national voting will take place (media, Internet), to select the chief “Treasures” of Tuva.

There will be an awards ceremony for those who were the first to submit entries, and the winners of the contest in various categories.

As a result of the Year of Tourism and special project “Tos ertine” (Nine Treasures), a map of the republic showing the  “Treasures” and  a catalog “Tos Ertine” with a DVD- disc album of the best video materials will be published.

Official site of the “Tos Ertine” project:   www.tosertine.ru

Organizing committee of  “Tos Ertine” project:

tel/fax  8(39422)21227, tel. 8(39422)21119,

e-mail: tosertine@yandex.ru

postal address:  667000, Kyzyl, ul. Chulduma, 18,  kab. 319, 324.

tosertine.ru, translated by Heda Jindrak
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