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«    Fabruary 2011    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

The unemployed will be helping herders during lambing season in Tuva

The unemployed will be helping herders during lambing season in TuvaAs a result of this year's spring lambing and calving season, Tuva  is expected to have 45 thousand heads of  calves, 490 thousand lambs and kids, more than 12 thousand heads of colts, 570 calves from reindeer does, and 12  baby camels. The mass birthing season is expected in the middle of March. But according to vice-minister Sergei Oyun, by this time in 9 districts of the republic, already 1358  calves and 20.5 thousand lambs and kids have already been born. That is 3% of this year's plan. The majority of these young are in private farms.

"One of the important measures of this lambing season is to involve people in seasonal work as helpers, says the vice-minister. -  According to preliminary calculations, we need 5 700 people. That is why we recommend to the district administration leaders to work with the district unemployment centers in time and start assigning helpers to the lambing herds."

According to data of 15 February, the livestock wintering  has been going in satisfactory manner. Specialists doing rounds of the districts noted that the cattle appears well-fed. In their words, if the weather conditions remain stable throughput the spring, there should not be any losses during the birthing season.

In 2011, government subsidies for support of  sheep herding have been anticipated - 1749.6 rubles;  for support of northern reindeer herding and horse-breeding - 818.7 rubles, for support of rare, disappearing types of domestic livestock (camels, reindeer,  breeding yak females, milk-mares) and subsidies for support of breeding animal herding 2057,1 rubles, and to compensate some losses in milk  and meat production in their sale - 1742.4 rubles.

As the vice-minister of agriculture, Sergei Oyun noted, part of the allocated means will be directed towards purchase of medicines and preparations necessary for the birthing season.

Note: today, there are 705 499 breeding female animals in Tuva:  cows - 64 294 heads; sheep and goats - 612 851 heads; breeding mares - 17 625 heads;  sows - 6323 heads; breeding yak cows - 3537; female camels - 67 heads, and 802 reindeer does.

Info from government press-service, translated by Heda Jindrak
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