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«    Fabruary 2011    »
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Yat-Kha is going to play in Buryatia

Yat-Kha  is going to play in BuryatiaWorld-famous group "Yat-Kha" will be giving a joint concert with ethno-group "Uragshaa" on the stage of Buryat Philharmony on 16 March, as announced by the press-service of ministry of culture of Republic Buryatia.

Recall that in December 2010 the English album of the Tuvan musicians "Poets and Lighthouses" made a steep ascent, getting to the fists place from the twentieth in the hit parade. Most of the songs were composed by the leader of "Yat-Kha", Albert Kuvezin to verses of Japanese poets of the middle of the 20th century.

The "Poets and Lighthouses" album was recorded already in 2008 in a private studio in Scotland on the island of Jura, and only last fall it fell to the distribution of radio broadcasting companies. As Albert Kuvezin himself informed us, it is not possible so far to buy "Poets and Lighthouses" legally in Russia, because not a single one of producer companies has shown any interest in it.

The musical style of the album, which seems to be to the taste of an exacting European audience is difficult to define. It is a mix of Japanese philosophy, contemporary Tuvan melodies and vocals, European and American manner of performance on the background of the sounds of  Scottish bagpipes and the sound of the sea. Famous British  musicians and vocalists were involved in in the recording of this album, but the real originality lies  in Albert Kuvezin's vocals.

Recall that in 2003  "Yat-Kha"  had already conquered great success  in Europe, when the Tuvan musicians were awarded the main prize in the "World Music" category for Asia and the Pacific region in the prestigious contest "BBC Radio 3".

The significance of such victories in the world music space is difficult to overestimate: this Russian (Tuvan) group with such unusual musical orientation has already announced itself a few times as a project without analogues in music of the world.

"We, after all, are contemporary people, and for that reason  rock'n'roll is closer to us, but indisputably, the roots lie in traditional music: throat singing accompanied by traditional instruments.  Melodies traditional for our culture.  Electric guitars sound on the background of  Asian, including Arabic rhythms, not typical for rock music. Musicians who play such music are always  sort of a bridge, thanks to which connections between  eras exist," this is how the leader of the group, Albert Kuvezin, characterizes his music.

Translated by Heda Jindrak
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