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«    Fabruary 2011    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

In Tuva, activists of the "Tos Ertine" (Nine Treasures) project are recognized

In Tuva, activists of the "Tos Ertine" (Nine Treasures) project are recognizedThe results of  the "Nine Treasures" special project, which has truly become national, have now been summarized.

In the words of the curator of this project, the Vice-Chairman of the Government of republic Tyva, Dina Oyun, this was one of the largest Internet and  SMS voting projects on the territory of Tuva. The numbers of the participants exceeded all expectations more than 14 000  SMS messages were sent to the "Tos-Ertine" number.  The snow leopard and "Bizhiktig Khaya" became the leaders of both the SMS and the Internet voting.  "The most important part of this project is that it unites us. Everybody took part - young and old, representatives of all kinds of professions, of municipal agencies", -  Tatiana Ivanitskaya, the representative of  WWF emphasized.

But the nine objects, which were expected to receive the status of "most precious of all the treasures", and to become the tourist trademarks of Tuva were not in the end determined: first, the popular opinions in relation to the other objects was very varied; second, even the members of the Expert council and the jury of the contest could not reach unanimous opinion.

In the words of the Candidate of geological-mineralogical  sciences, the head of the laboratory of Tuvan institute of comp-ex utilization of natural resources SO RAN, Kalin-ool Kuzhuget, the "treasures should have been sorted into categories, and their altitude and width measured precisely, and the visitation, condition and legendariness taken into consideration…

Doctor of culturology, the chief scientific worker of the culture sector of TIGI, Valentina Suzukei disagreed with him. She emphasized that in this project it is the sacral qualities of the object, and not the altitude of the mountain that play the main role.

-  this beautiful idea of finding objects for tourism and to arrange them should be continued. "Nine Treasures" - that is not enough for Tuva, perhaps for one district. I suggest that each district should come up with their own nine objects - that would be the fairest solution.

Judging from the emotional statements by the other members of the Expert Council, whose opinions were also at variance, the battles at their  conferences were no joke.  This circumstance just confirms that the project "Nine Treasures" is indispensable for the republic, and it has to be developed and continued. One of  the presenters called the action, which brought the fans of the project to the republican museum, a workshop in propaganda and tourism development.

Many participants receiver awards. Thirty authors of projects, who were the first to submitted applications for participation in the contest received memorial souvenirs. The participants who designed the best tourist routes got awards. One of the winners in this category was a very young guide, Apyn-ool Avtyl, who made a real illustrated booklet with detailed description of the route from Kyzyl-Mazhalyk to the locality Charash-Dash in Bai-taiga, which showed accurate distances, rest areas, description of  vegetation (berries, mushrooms) and the story about the place Charash-dash, the astonishing wonder of nature. Altogether, 238 people responded to the call of the organizers of this contest. In their opinion, 150 objects are treasures of the republic. Names of famous compatriots were nominated - Maxim Munzuk, Sergei Shoigu, and Lorisa Oorzhak; there were proposals to consider Tuvan  pure air, the sky, Tuvan women, and the national attire as treasures…

During the selection process for the second stage 110 objects were chosen,  and it was the task of the journalists to write about them.  Press-tours started in June 2010. The journalists traveled to 12 districts of the republic. As the result of the press-tours, materials were published about more than 40 of the nominated treasures of the republic. Journalists of the "Tuvinskaya Pravda" also  participated in these trips. The publications of the author of these paragraphs were recognized as the best press materials in the Russian language.  A special present for the material "Charash-Dash - the miracle of the joyful splashes" was received by another journalist of our newspapers - Natalia Bogdanovskaya. Awards went to the journalists of the "Shyn", "Inform-Plyus", GTRK and to the TV company "Novyi Vek", and to authors of the best photographic works and to journalists of the district media.

The results of the contest are now considered  as "interim", and this decision is fair, because the republic has only started to work on the problem of tourism development. It is not by chance that everybody spoke about the preservation of many of the monuments of nature, which now carry evidence of barbarian behavior of the vacationers. There are piles of garbage at out lakes, and  painted graffiti on the slopes of  mountains Teve-Khaya and Uttug-Khaya.  Therefore the category "Best action of clean-up of the nominated objects" will remain relevant for a long time. For the work in this direction, awards were given to the volunteers from the Kyzyl gymnasium No.15, who raked out tons of garbage from the shores of lake Khadyn, to the tourist club "Oktargai" (Tandy district), who performed an action of clean-up of the Durgen Canyon and  Lake Chagytai, and members  of the "Young Romantic" club from Bai-taiga, who took sign posts warning that  it is necessary to protect nature to Charash-Dash on horseback…

This interim project has fulfilled its task. Its new variant, "In Search of Tos-Ertine" is beginning. The organizing committee is preparing for publication an illustrated catalog, which will include all the main attractions of the republic.

Info by Galina Murygina, Tuvinskaya Pravda, translated by Heda Jindrak
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