19 March 2011 | Views: 3174 | Comments: 0 |
45 kilometers from Kyzyl in the west direction of Kyzyl-Shagonar highway by the Ulug-Khem river at the place "Balyktyg-Kharaar", there has been constructed an ethno-cultural complex "Aldyn-Bulak" . Yesterday, the official presentation of the complex took place; it is expected to become one of the strategic objects of tourism business, as well as to make a substantial contribution into the piggy-bank of tourist attractiveness of Tuva. More than 30 million rubles has been allocated for its construction out of the republic's budget. The finished ethno-cultural complex has become the last note of the Year of Tourism.
Tuvan Government, translated by Heda Jindrak |
19 March 2011 | Views: 2821 | Comments: 0 |
One of the few Russian analogs of the Dead Sea - Tuvan lake Dus-Khol will this year officially receive the status of a therapeutic - recreational location of regional significance. The government of the republic set a task for the appropriate agencies at a conference on 16 March, to prepare all the necessary documents for securing this legal status. The new status will obligate the organs of administration on all levels to provide more effective security and rational utilization of this unique lake, which has long been known all over the country for its therapeutic properties.
Information from press-service, translated by Heda Jindrak |