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«    March 2011    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

In Tuva at the new ethno-cultural complex "Aldyn-Bulak" there will be khoomei worship

In Tuva at the new ethno-cultural complex "Aldyn-Bulak" there will be khoomei worship45 kilometers from Kyzyl in the west direction of Kyzyl-Shagonar highway by the Ulug-Khem river at the place "Balyktyg-Kharaar", there has been constructed an ethno-cultural complex  "Aldyn-Bulak" .  Yesterday, the official presentation of the complex took place; it is expected to become one of the strategic objects of tourism business, as well as to make a substantial contribution into the piggy-bank of tourist attractiveness of Tuva.   More than 30 million rubles has been allocated for its  construction out of the republic's budget. The finished ethno-cultural complex has become the last note of the Year of Tourism.

Various types of tourism will be organized on the territory of "Aldyn-Bulak" - cultural, educational, ecological, rural, sports, gastronomical. It is proposed to also set up a place for "worship" of khoomei. A school for teaching throat-singing will open, and a cultic symbol will be erected in its honor - "Khoomei Ovaa" - a golden arrow pointing at the sky.

"It is very important - throat-singing is known all over the world, and with intelligent regional marketing and the right image politics it can become a real world trademark of Tuva," - believes Premier Sholban Kara-ool, who participated in the presentation.

As the minister of culture of Tuva, Vyacheslav Dongak, informs us, the construction of the "Aldyn-Bulak" complex started in June of last year.

An excursion was held for the participants in the presentation, among whom were journalists and heads of tour companies, as well as guests from neighboring regions. But before the start of the excursion, the leading personalities of the republic completed a circle of honor riding on horseback around the perimeter of the "Aldyn-Bulak" complex.

Then another ritual was observed. "At the outset of a great undertaking and great feats, our ancestors would shoot golden arrows to the sky, for the glory of the Creator-God - Tengri!" - those leading the presentation reminded the guests.  - So that their road would be bright and blessed by the Heaven, and so that their actions would be lucky, they asked for the blessings of Heaven.

Today we are returning to our source, and we repeat the sacred ritual of our fathers and grandfathers."

Premier Sholban Kara-ool and the young students performed this ancient Scythian custom. The head of Tuva congratulated all those present to the opening of the republic's first ethno-cultural complex "Aldyn-Bulak" and expressed the hope that the object will fulfill its purpose.

Tuvan Government, translated by Heda Jindrak
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