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«    March 2012    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Governor of Krasnoyarsk region: "Aldyn-Bulak" is a splendid place!

Governor of Krasnoyarsk region: "Aldyn-Bulak" is a splendid place!The 9th Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum-2012 which is currently taking place has again brought in a record number of participants who gathered in Krasnoyarsk from the various Russian cities - members of Government of RF, heads of the members states of the federation, representatives of the largest Russian companies, businessmen, prominent experts and scholars, guests from foreign countries. Today, on 17 February, a ceremonial opening of the forum took place, as art of plenary convention "Time of strategic initiatives: What is necessary for Russia and its regions?". Problems were evaluated concerning social politics, government administration, mutual relationships between government and business, as part of complex development of Russia up to 2020.

Traditionally, as part of the forum, an exhibition of large investment projects of Russian regions is held. On the initiative of the head of Tuva, Sholban Kara-ool, Republic Tyva takes an active part in the KEF. This time, two of Republic Tyva projects were introduced: construction of a sports-cultural center of RT, and "Ethnocultural tourist complex "Aldyn-Bulak".

The RT exposition drew a great interest among the participants and guests of the forum; Tuvan beauties in stylized finery of Scythian period were a great attraction.

Governor of Krasnoyarsk region: "Aldyn-Bulak" is a splendid place!The governor of Krasnoyarsk region, Lev Kuznetsov, together with representative participants of the forum examined all the expositions of the exhibit. As the director of the "Aldyn-Bulak" complex. Kima Dongak, later related, she was even unable to talk about her project, because the governor of Krasnoyarsk region himself took the initiative. "Aldyn-Bulak" is a splendid place. I was there, - Lev Kuznetsov began. - I am confident that this is not only a unique Siberian and Russian ethno-tourism project, but that it also attracts attention and multitudes of guests from abroad."

Governor of Krasnoyarsk Krai practically explained everything about "Aldyn-Bulak" himself, and advised everybody to go there.

Remember that ethno-cultural tourist complex "Aldyn-Bulak" includes a yurt-restaurant in Scythian style, ethnographical museum, hotel yurts with conveniences, and chooms. When the complex was under construction, seven stones bearing the inscription "Om mani padme hum" were found. It is believed that the inscription has a magical protective power.

In 2012, a throat-singing school and yurt-museum of khoomei will open at Aldyn-Bulak, workshops teaching play on folk musical instruments will be held. As far as the sports-cultural complex is concerned, it will be a real Palace of Sports for 7,500 spectators. It is a grandiose project initiated by the Government of Republic Tyva. The yearly participation of Republic Tyva in the Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum with various projects calls constant interest of private investors and federal media to the region.

In the special appendix of "Rossiyskaya gazeta", a large section was devoted to the investment potential of Tuva, and the interview with Chairman of the Government of RT, Sholban Kara-ool was published.

Director of 'aldyn-Bulak", Kima Dongak was pleasantly surprised by the extremely positive feelings Tuva has began to attract from both federal and regional participants.

"They began to count with Tuva, _ said Kima Dongak. - Our culture always stimulated interest. And the combination of culture and history in such a vivid, original project like "Aldyn-Bulak" stimulated enthusiasm!"

In his turn, the head of Tuva, Sholban Kara-ool emphasized the tremendous significance of Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum for the development of regions of Russian federation.

"Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum has become a super-trademark of the region, and secured a worthy platform for presentation of large-scale projects not just in Siberia, but in Russia as a whole. The forum brings the regions together and allows them to solve successfully their common tasks", - believes Sholban Kara-ool.


Dolaana Salchak, translated by Heda Jindrak
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