7 June 2012 | Views: 4320 | Comments: 0 |
20 student volunteers from the US, Italy and Ukraine have come to Tuva, a region in Siberia, to take part in archeological excavations there. Tuva, also known as Tyva, borders with Mongolia, and the religion of the local population is Buddhism. Earlier, 69 students from Moscow, Kazan, St. Petersburg and other Russian cities also came to take part in these excavations.
6 June 2012 | Views: 3058 | Comments: 0 |
Authorities of Republic Altai are submitting an application to increase the list of objects of UNESCO nature heritage in the category "Altai - Golden Mountains", because of the cultural and archeological monuments, and to include throat-singing in the list of World Heritage intangible treasures, as Ivan Belekov, the leader of UNESCO representatives in the region announced during a meeting with international experts on Sunday. Currently, the UNESCO Nature Heritage in the category "Altai- Golden Mountains" includes the Altai and Katun state biospheric natural reserves, nature park "Ukok zone of Peace", nature park "Belukha" and Teletskoye Lake. The local authorities, researchers, and scientists believe that aside from unique nature, Gorniy Altai also possesses significant cultural heritage.
RIA Novosti, translated by Heda Jindrak |
4 June 2012 | Views: 3252 | Comments: 0 |
Anai-Khaak and Evgeniy Saryglar organized a tourist business together. Two years ago, a yurt-camp "Sai-Khonash" appeared in Barun-Khemchik district, which, in the words of the couple, is quite popular among people enthusiastic about Tuvan culture.
"Our base is located in a picturesque corner of Tuva, in Bayan-Kol of Barun-Khemchik district, - says Anai-Khaak Saryglar. - Officially the yurt camp opened in 2010. In the Year of Tourism, our base won a grant of the Chairman of the Government of five hundred thousand rubles; we expanded the tour-base with the money, because the demand for our services increased greatly, and the base consisted of only two yurts.
Plus Inform, translated by Heda Jindrak, photo by Dina Oyun |