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» » Ice baths of "Kreshchenie" in Tuva started on the night of 19 January
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«    January 2013    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Ice baths of "Kreshchenie" in Tuva started on the night of 19 January

Ice baths of "Kreshchenie" in Tuva started on the night of 19 JanuaryKreshchenie bathing in Kyzyl began on the night of 19 January on the river Yenisei in the area of Vavilin bay. As midnight approached, a whole chain of vehicles slowly moved towards the place. People drove up to the warming tents, where they took their clothes off and bravely ran to the baths, where they took a triple dip. A huge Orthodox cross made from ice stood in front. For safety reasons, the police, MChS and health workers were on duty, but nobody needed help.

During the night, more than a thousand people took part in the bathing, including representatives of Government of Tuva, Supreme Khural and city authorities. Traditionally, the head of Tuva Sholban Kara-ool with his colleagues take part in Kreshchenie bathing: "It is wonderful how such a bright holiday as Kreshchenie Gospodne (Baptism of the Lord) unifies people in such a strong way, and brings goodness and a feeling of magic, - the premier shared his feelings with the journalists. - And it is remarkable that both the believers and supporters of a healthy way of life take part in Kreshchenie bathing." The head of Hunting Commission, Alexander Novikov explained that he bathes every year, which charges him up with energy for the rest of the 12 months.

The head of Kaa-Khem settlement of Kyzyl district, Yuri Ananin noted the good organization of the bathing: "Wonderful ancient custom, in which people take part with great pleasure without regard for our freezing temperatures, toughening up their bodies and spirit in the ice bath. Some have experienced this acute feeling for the first time. I feel as if I shed ten years of age after every dip."

The head of the Khural of Kyzyl, Viktor Tunev, presented holiday greetings to the citizens from his whole heart. Minister of roads and transportation Oleg Kosorotov, as well as delegates of Supreme Khural Olga Kolchikova and Ivan Chuchev, and many others took part in the bathing.

As Sholban Kara-ool wrote on his page of "Vkontakte", the teams of government and parliament support this tradition for the sixth year in a row. "We have been doing this together for six years, the Kreshchenie, to support our kids - Orthodox Christians, and for Shagaa we ascend Mt. Dogee together to meet the first rays of the sun, welcoming the Oriental New Year. And we will carry this team spirit throughout life."

Sharing his feelings from the baths, the premier writes: "It is a condition where the organism receives a momentary stress and instantly mobilizes all resources; one turns decades younger."

gov.tuva.ru, translated by Heda Jindrak
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