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«    Fabruary 2013    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Shadow theater show produced in Tuva for Shagaa

A performance unusual for Tuva - shadow theater show on the motives of Tuvan epic "Kangyvai-Mergen" is being prepared for the smallest viewers by puppet theater "Tête-à-tête" specially for national holiday Shagaa on 9, 10 and 11 February. The originator of the idea to introduce the epic tale in the traditions of shadow theater is a young actor-puppeteer, graduate of Moscow specialized culture institute - Aidys Chadamba.

The show prepared fro theatre "Shyaan am!" at the end of which the tale about a Tuvan epic hero will be shown is the debut work of Aidys Chadamba as a director. Svetlana Ondar,  a director of the puppet theater, noted that she is very happy about Aidys Chadamba's initiative, because the repertoire for the children's theatre  does not have enough productions on Tuvan folk subjects. The young director answered the question about why did he become interested precisely in the epic about Kangyvai-Mergen, that he sees the image of a true Tuvan man in the hero of this epic - courageous, intelligent, resourceful and just.

Artists of the "Tête-à-tête" theatre  have already received the best possible audience reaction at the rehearsals from the actors' children, who watched the show with great interest. "We are confident that the show will attract interest not only of children of any age, but of adults as well," - remarked Svetlana Ondar.

Beside the shadow theatre, there will also be theatralized performance "Shyaan am!", folk games, songs, contests, hot Tuvan tea with milk, and folk cuisine for the  spectators.

Viktoria Khomushku, tuvaculture.ru, translated by Heda Jindrak
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