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«    Fabruary 2013    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Prognosis for Year of the Snake by shaman Dugar-Syuryun Oorzhak

TyvaTuvans, just like many other oriental nations, welcome the New Year - Shagaa - according to the lunar calendar. The holiday does not have a constant date.  It can fall on any day between the end of January to early March. But most often it takes place in February. Celebrating the Lunar New Year is becoming more and more popular in Tuva with every year. All the time there are fewer people in the republic who are indifferent to Shagaa. This holiday really unites people. The correspondent of this daily found out what there is to expect for people this year, and what the year will be like.

Do not hold on to evil

For those who do not know it yet, this year people of Tuva will be observing Shagaa during the night from 10 to 11 February.

With the first rays of the sun, on 11 February the Year of the Black Water Snake will begin. Shaman Dugar-Syuryun Oorzhak told us what the year will be like and what is to be expected this year. He is well known not just in Russia, but abroad as well. Every year the informant of "Plus inform" travels abroad and helps people, healing their diseases. He also lectures to students and conducts seminars.

As the shaman says, the Year of the Snake will be easier than the last one, but at the same time it will be ambiguous and contradictory. Mysteriousness and lack of stability will be its co-travelers. This is because of the changeable quality of the water element, which is a part of the symbol. The Snake Year will brig success to some, but disaster to others; much will depend on the chosen way of  action of each person. It brings prosperity, moderate and calm flow of life. But, as they say, there are two sides to each coin. The Snake will protect those whose actions will be thought out, and decisions well weighed. It is not necessary to hold a rock behind your back, the Snake welcomes sincerity. "The peole who will wish evil to others should watch out, because the same will come to them," - emphasizes Dugar-Syuryun Oorzhak.

Water is the source of prosperity

After the symbol, our discussion touched on the theme of the element which will characterize the year 2013. It turned out that great attention should be paid to water, because that is precisely where people can find solution for their problems. One should visit sacred springs as often as possible. If you clearly express your thoughts in "conversations" with water, water will help you. The more often people of Tuva will come to the arzhaans, the better it will be for their health and for everything else in general.

But there are certain negatives. It is necessary to be careful near rivers, lakes and seas. As it often happens, young people celebrate various holidays with alcohol on the beach and then they get into the water, which is something that should never be done. Water does not like drunks. In the Snake year, it is necessary to be extra careful and not to take water lightly. It can be dangerous.

"But even with all this, water will be beneficial to those who one way or another are involved in farming," says Dugar-Syuryun Oorzhak.

Career success for Cancer, Scorpio and Fish

Earth is divided into four elements, with three Zodiac signs in each. In the words of the shaman, for those born in a sign of the Air element - Libra, Aquarius and Gemini - 2013 will be a year of increased activity and socialization. The more passive people born in this element, the worse for them

Signs of the Fire element - Leo, Aries and Sagittarius - can expect to work on themselves and on their personal life. Great attention has to be paid to the family. But it is important to be extra careful, because element of Water is opposite to Fire. It is necessary to be alert in everything and not to "jump into the fire".

For signs of Water element - Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo - can expect quiet and contentment. Of course, nothing can be done without work, but it will be pleasant.

The shaman also mentioned that peole born under the sign of the Snake  should undergo a purification ritual after welcoming Shagaa. It will bring them prosperity in all aspects of life, and the roads

will be open for all new beginnings.

The most sober of all the holidays

In conclusion of our conversation, Dugar-Syuryun Oorzhak said that from three days before Shagaa and for a month after the beginning of the New Year one should not do anything bad, including use of alcohol. During this period, all good deeds are magnified hundred times, and anything bad as well. During the night before the coming of the Lunar New Year one should not sleep, even if only in the time period between three at night and six in the morning. There is a superstition that on the New Year night  the Goddess Lkhamo rides around the earth in her chariot, and if she sees sleeping people, she thinks that they are dead and won't bless them.

The best part, as the shaman says, is that the Shagaa night is the safest night in the capital of the republic.

Huge numbers of people going to the temples and to the banks of Yenisei - women with children, old people, clergymen, young people - create a holiday atmosphere, which one can't disturb with drunken shouts and noise. That is, it could be said, one of the main rules transmitted from the depths of time. "The most sober day of the year", - jokes the shaman. And, of course, people of the republic should not forget that the table should sag from plenty of food. "The spirits want to see food on the tables and pure intentions in the souls of those sitting at the tables," - concluded Dugar-Syuryun Oorzhak.

Kristina Mikhailova, plusinform.ru
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