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«    January 2010    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

In Tuva, “Red” Monday is added to the Buddhist New Year holiday

According to the Lunar calendar, the New Year, Shagaa, will be met in Tuva with the first rays of the sun on February 14. Because this day falls on a Sunday, the free day will be transferred to Monday, February 15, as specified in the law of the republic, “Concerning the holidays of Republic Tuva”. The day of welcoming Shagaa is calculated every year by astrological tables. As the administration of Kamby-lama of Tuva announced, the coming year is the Year of White Metal Tiger.

On the eve of welcoming the New Year, night services will be held in all the temples of Tuva. Those who spend their new year’s eve at home will try not to fall asleep – they entertain themselves with games, and telling of stories and legends. There is a belief that says that if you fall asleep on the night of New Year, the goddess Lhamo, who flies around the entire planet on her horse, will count you among the dead. Early at dawn, between 3-5 o’clock, is when the New Year begins. In the Tuvan language, this moment is called “Shagaa bazhy chalarady” - the head of Shagaa is showing. “The first day of Shagaa is the absolutely most important day of the year. People’s age is counted in Shagaa, people say” ”I have met so-and-so many Shagaa.” A newborn is considered to be one year old, and those born on the eve of the New Year are considered to be two years of age.”

On February 14, Tuva will observe two holidays at the same time. With the first rays of the sun, the republic will welcome Shagaa, the new year of Tiger by the Lunar calendar. National celebrations “Kezhik-choldug Shagaa-bile cholukshuulu!” will take place at the Museum Square, which will then smoothly transfer into an entertainment-play program “Shirokaya Maslenica”. The main idea of the two holidays is very similar. In the lunar calculations, Shagaa marks off the beginning of the spring-summer season.

During Maslenica celebrations, a straw effigy of Maslenica is burned, as the symbol of winter, which is now over.

Beautiful theatrical production, dedicated to “Shagaa-2010” with Ak-Sal (White beard), and Aldyn-kys (Golden Girl) is ready for the people; prayer readings, Tuvan and Russian folk games and competitions will be held: the beloved national game “tevek” , “at shalbylaar”, (catch the horse with an arkan), the gambling “chop the block”, “askak kadai” (lame old woman) and competitions in fastest pancake eating, as well as climbing a pillar, where a prize is hidden on the top, waiting for the bravest ones, and many others.

As the culmination of the holiday, the traditional burning of the straw Maslenica will take place., translated by Heda Jindrak
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