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«    Fabruary 2013    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Rehabilitation of relict pine forest in Tuva

Rehabilitation of relict pine forest in TuvaIn order to preserve a unique part of nature, Government of Tuva declared the re-establishment of Balgazyn Pine Forest as one of priority activities of Forest Committee activities for the next few years. The forest is located 100 km from the capital of the republic, Kyzyl, at the foot of Tannu-Ola mountain ridge. The area of the forest massif, surrounded by steppes of Central Tuvan Depression, is 28,000 hectares. This is one of the oldest preserves in Tuva, which is the habitat of a large herd of wild roe-deer among other animals.  The Balgazyn pine forest with its pure healing air is also the home of  the tuberculosis sanatorium of the republic.

Unfortunately, in the last several years, the growth of one of the monuments of Tuvan nature have suffered serious damage from forest and steppe fires.  Currently the burned-out areas comprise about 15,000 hectares.  These burned-out areas are growing over with trees of other species, and the tree vegetation is continually receding before the incursion of steppe vegetation.

The self-propagation of pine trees in the burned-out areas is extremely slow. As the State Forest Committee announced, work in the rehabilitation of Balgazyn Pine Forest began already last year with preparation of the soil for planting forest cultures.

In the spring and fall of this year, it is projected to plant 210 hectares with ordinary pine.  Young plantings to the number of more than 700,000 pieces will be brought from the local tree nursery.

Beside the staff of the forest administration, members of  Balgazyn Forestry school system will be involved, as well as participants of general public Saturday works. The means will come as subventions from the federal budget (estimated as 8,755 rubles for planting trees on one hectare area). Rehabilitative planting in the pine forest is estimated to be done in the course of ten years.

Info from government press-service of Government of Tuva, photo by Vladimir Savinykh
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