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«    Fabruary 2013    »
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Two-part film about Tuva made with support of Russian Geographic Society

Two-part film about Tuva made with support of Russian Geographic SocietyEditing of film about Tuva filmed with support of Russian Geographic Society as part of the cycle "Fortunate People" is almost complete. In the summer of 2012, the film team led by director Dmitry Vasyukov visited remote, inaccessible areas of Tuva. Regardless of forest fires raging in many districts of Tuva, the film team successfully shot a massive volume of material, containing scenes of life and customs of people from the most distant corners of the republic.

Much of this material is truly exclusive, which will undoubtedly influence the final quality of the film. The highlight of the film is the detailed account of life of Tuvan old Believers, who first migrated to this area in 18th century. Whole Old Believer villages are in Tuva to this day.

Currently the film is undergoing editing, writing of narrative and music, and applying sound. Elements of computer graphics are also being created. Two-part film about Tuva will be completed in the spring 2013. The trailer can be seen on the page of the film on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/TuvaFilm

Documentary series "Fortunate people" already has six parts (not counting the Tuva film). Two of them were filmed thanks to a Russian Geographic Society grant, including the magnificent film "Tayozhnye lyudi" (Taiga people) and the film about the Pomorians (people from Maritime region).

The rights to show "Fortunate people" have been bought by the First Channel studio.

rgo.ru, translated by Heda Jindrak
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