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«    March 2013    »
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Vote for Tuvans at!!!

Vote for Tuvans at!!!Last night, voting started on the site for seven "Siberians of the Year". It will go on for ten days, and will end on the night from 28 to 29 March. According to the results of internet voting, "Magnificent Seven" of winners from 38 nominees from regions of Siberia will be announced, depending on the number of votes by users of Runet. Tuva is represented by the Minister of Defense, Sergei Shoigu, and champion of London Paralympics, archer Mikhail oyun. In the first few hours of voting, Siberians have been giving their votes most actively to the second-grader Aldar Ayushev (266 votes), who saved his younger brother from a house fire. The young hero was taken inn critical condition to intensive care at the district hospital, then to the burn center, where he received skin transplants.

268 votes have already been given to special forces fighter Evgeniy Epov, who blocked a hand-grenade during a special operation in Dagestan with his body to save his comrades. Many are giving votes to their beloved recently deceased actor, Andrei Panin (251).

Representatives of Tuva Sergei Shoigu - 245 votes, and archer Mikhail Oyun - 231.

Take an active part in it and your friends to vote for Tuvans and other 5 at Opening the page which is in Russian you will see all 38 nominees, mark the ones you selected (there will appear a phrase that you have marked 2 and 5 are left, then 3 and 4 are left, etc) and on selectin all 7, press the word ПРОГОЛОСОВАТЬ, which means VOTE and your voice will be counted.

From a single computer one can vote every hour not to make the jury punish your nominee., translated by Heda Jindrak
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