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«    April 2013    »
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Head of Tuva congratulated the Elder of Tuvan literature and science on his birthday

Head of Tuva congratulated the Elder of Tuvan literature and science on his birthdayHead of Tuva Sholban Kara-ool congratulated today to his 88th birthday Mongush Kenin-Lopsan - national writer and scholar, known for his works on research of shamanism, for which he was awarded the title of permanent President of Tuvan shamans. The Premier, just like every time on this date, visited the scholar at his tiny residence in the center of Kyzyl - a rare log cabin dating from the beginning of last century, and spent a long time in conversation with the Tuvan elder.

The conversation touched upon literally all the spheres of development of the republic. The head of the region told the revered elder about the work of the Government of the republic today - from large investment projects, including the construction of railroad and heat and energy station, to problems of small village business.

It turned out that the celebrant was well informed about all the new things in the life of the republic. He reads all the republic newspapers on a regular basis. Mongush Borakhovich congratulated the Head of the republic on his recent successes - change of routing of Federal highway M-54, which may add a stimulus to development of central and western Tuva.

President of Tuvan shamans is convinced that it is not so much the hope for help by the state budget, as the attracting to Tuva large companies and their capital, that may become the motile force behind the accelerated economic rise and flowering of the republic. Then Mongush Kenin-Lopsan wished success to Sholban kara-ool on this road: "Invite here as many investors as possible, rich and intelligent." True, spirits have nothing to do with this - this was suggested to him by his healthy common sense and economic realities, as the scholar said.

Kenin-Lopsan believes that Sholban Kara-ool's team will gradually deal with this complicated task. Not everything will come out, but, in the scholar's opinion, that is natural - a critical mass of small positive successes in socio-economic life will accumulate, and prepare a large break-through into the future.

Mongush Borakhovich noted that the course of action of the head of the republic in regard to ethnic Tuvans living in Mongolia is correct. In his opinion, it is not acceptable to lose connections with related people, they have to be renewed and strengthened.

Sholban Kara-ool, in his turn, asked Mongush Kenin-Lopsan to think about and offer his valuable advice on the possible approaches to bring back the old good tradition of Tuvan family - of help and all kinds of propagation of their talented children. The meaning of this initiative, as the head of the republic explained, is in that, that in every family there should be a person with higher education, who with his authority could form an appropriate environment for raising children, and a high standard of demands, which would create additional stimuli for growth and dignified life. Head of the republic noted that there is a wish to work out a corresponding government program. They agreed to meet again in near future and discuss this problem in greater detail.

In honor of his birthday and as a mark of deep respect to the elder, Sholban Kara-ool brought him presents and material rewards from his whole soul.

Press-Service of Tuvan Government, translated by Heda Jindrak
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