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«    March 2025    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Evraz to invest $1.5 bln in Siberian coal field

Evraz Group, the Russian steel maker part-owned by billionaire Roman Abramovich, plans to invest $1.5 billion bringing the Mezhegei coal field in Siberia into production after winning it at auction on Thursday.

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Robin Paxton and Polina Devitt / REUTERS

OPK started developing Coal-Mine in Tuva

OPK Mining, a Russian coking coal producer, plans to raise $1 billion in an initial public offering next year to develop its mines in Siberia. A stake of at least 25 percent may be sold in Hong Kong or London, Dmitry Sakhno, chief executive officer of OPK's Eniseiskaya Industrial Co. unit, said today in an interview at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum in Russia. OPK is also considering selling the stake to a single investor, he said.

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Fair of Russian Products Opens

A fair of products made in Russian Republics of Khakassia and Tuva has opened in Ulaangom soum, Uvs aimag.

In the action an active part took 16 enterprisers and 90 businessmen. They showed their products and established contracts with the province's several organizations on supplying products and materials. It was done in accordance with the agreement concluded between the governments of the Republics and administration of the aimag.

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In Tuva Speculators to Buy Land under Future Kuragino-Kyzyl Railway

The republican government asks the municipalities to prevent the cornering. President of Tuva Sholban-Kara-ool in his speech at the extended meeting of the public and representatives of the republican authorities said that the news on the federal government's decision to build the railway branch inspired some unscrupulous speculators to buy the land under the future railway in order to make a profit later by racketing the state, which is to be nipped in the bud. Construction of the Kuragino-Kyzyl railway is to give an impetus to the extraction and processing of mineral resources.
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Siberian financial and economic information

The Pearl of Tuva – for Grinding

Big business came to Tuva: how does big money mix with unique nature? The combination of the words “industrial Todzha”, will very likely grate on the ears of the citizens of the Republic for a long time, because we grew up with the deep understanding that Todzha is the Pearl of Tuva. This axiom recently collided with another concept, one that passed with flying colors in the December elections for the Government Council - an economic breakthrough is coming to Tuva, on the basis of utilization of mineral and metal resources. The collision of these two contradictory concepts in our minds caused confusion, and in others – hysterics and tears.
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Marina Chanzan, translated by Heda Jindrak

Tes-Khem District Adopted its 7-year Development Plan

Tes-Khem district of Tuva which borders Mongolia adopted a complex socio-economic development plant for the period till 2015. It makes a stress on the external economic links of the district, cattle-breeding, solution of the energy lack problems. Two electric power stations could be built within the next 10 years in Tes-Khem. The first station will be a small hydroelectric power stations on the Tes River. The second station, wind-power, could be built in the settlement of Shuurmak.
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Dina Oyun

Direct Moscow-Kyzyl Flight restored

After over 2 years of 'air isolation' Tuva is again connected with the Russian capital via air connection. The Moscow-Kyzyl flight has been restarted on November 4, departing from Moscow at 11.50 p.m and arriving in Kyzyl the next day at noon (local time). The first after a long interval flight was received in Kyzyl by Tuva's prime-minister Sholban Kara-ool who greeted the air-plane crew in the Kyzyl airport and presented the stewardesses with flowers. 'It is more than important for Tuva to be open and accessible. We set a task to develop transport infrastructure and we are gradually implementing it', - Mr Kara-ool stressed.
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Dina Oyun

Chinese Company Ready to Develop a Complex Ore Deposit in Tuva

Hong Kong-listed Zijin Mining Corp. has signed a memorandum of understanding with the government of the Republic of Tuva to develop the Kyzyl-Tashtygskoe lead and zinc mine, according to an announcement made by Tuva's head Sholban Kara-ool after a visit to China. Tuva's official delegation to China consisited of the Prime-Miiniste, Chairman of the Representative Chamber of the Great Khural Khonuk-ool Mongush and head of the exterior links agency Yelena Kara-sal. Zijing company acqainted guests from Tuva with an enrichment plant in Shangan similar to the one which is to be put into exploitation by January, 2008. The one in Todzha will produce up to 1 mln tonns of the copper concentrate.The Chinese corpoation will invest $ 206 bln all in all.

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Dina Oyun

Tuvan Delegation Takes Part in the Saint-Petersburg Forum

Over 6000 people representing 60 countries take part in the 11th Saint-Petersburg International Economic Forum. Among its participants is a Tuvan delegation headed by Sholban Kara-ool, Prime-Minister. Tuvan railway Kyzyl-Kuragino project will be presented at the forum. Today Chinese-Russian investment cooperation is being discussed within the Saint-Petersburg Forum.
Russia' economic prospects have been voiced in Saint-Petersburg by the Russian high-ranking officials.

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Mechel Interested in Tuva Coal

Possible participation of 'Mechel', one of the biggest coal mining and metallurgy companies in Russia, in the construction of the combine on concentration and processing of Tuva coal was discussed in Moscow at the meeting of the company's management with Chairman of Tuva's government Sholban Kara-ool.

Tuva's reserves of coal are estimated at up to 20 billion tons.

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Press-service of the Tuva Government
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