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«    March 2025    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Tuva is the most Dangerous Region in Siberia

All-National News Agency has made public its annual safety rating of the 17 Siberian regions on the base of the data collected in the 1st half of 2005. Its analysts take into account criminal rate, efficiency of the militia, etc. According to the list the safest region in Siberia is Buryato-Aginski Autonomous District, the most dangerous one is Tuva.
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Dina Oyun

Daa-kozhuun will Turn 240 in September

The Government of the Republic has issued a special Resolution on the celebration of the 240th annivesary of the Daa-kozhuun, district emrbracing in the 18th century Dzun-Khemchik, Sut-Khol and parts of the neigbouring Ulug-Khem kozhuuns. It made this decision on the initiative of the Dzun-Khemchik alexistration which considers itself the nucleus of the no more existing alexistrative unit of the old Tuva. The festivities will take place in Chadan in September, 23-24 and will comprise as usual a yurt city, concerts, horse-races, khuresh wrestling.
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Dina Oyun

'Dersu Uzala's Film Festival Needs Your Support Urgently!!!

Charity Foundation 'Dersu Uzala' named after legendary Tuvan actor Maxim Munzuk, set up a year ago by Galina and Svetlana Munzuk and other Tuvan actors, is planning to hold this year its first large-scale activity – ecological Film Festival “Following Dersu Uzala's Live Path'. Its program will be made up of the films connected with Dersu's principles to live in harmony with nature. The main festival events – films'show, photoexhibition, seminars, conferences, eco and ethno excursions around Tuva, concerts of tuvan musicians – are to take place in Kyzyl, September, 4-10 .
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Dina Oyun

Bady-Dorzhu Ondar and Maya Akhpasheva are Best Singers at the Ustuu-Khuree Festival

International jury headed by Piotr Kazimir (Krasnoyarsk) named the prize-winners of the Ustuu-Khuree Festival. The best female singer is Maya Akhpasheva, member of the 'Oktai' ensemble. Bady-Dorzhu Ondar, member of the 'Alash' ensemble was recognized the best singer among male participants of the festival. He became 'world-known' after participating at the age of 9 together with his teacher Kongar-ool Ondar in the Chavy Chase TV Show in the early 90-ties.
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Sayana Mongush

Director of the Tuvan Energy Supplies Company is to Pay 80 000 Roubles Fee

Kyzyl court has condemned Ivan Denisov, head of the Tuvan Energy supplies company, to paying a fee of 80 000 roubles ( appr 2500 dollars) for cutting 7 Kyzyl schools off the energy sources. He made this decision in March, 2005 on the base of the big debts of the schools to his company.
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Dina Oyun

Tuvan State Ensemble has Set Off for a Bus Tour across Europe

Tuvan State 'Sayany' Ensemble, headed by artistic director Nadezhda Darzhaa, today has set off for a bus tour across Europe during which Tuvan artists are going to perform at the Folk Festival in Spain and to give concerts in Switzerland.
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Dina Oyun

Today in Tuva Dalai-Lama's Jubileum is Celebrated

Today in Tuva 70th anniversary of the head in the buddhist hierachy, Dalai-lama the 14th is celebrated. Religeous rituals, devoted to the long-life of His Holiness, take place in all the lamaseries of the republic, alonside with concerts and sports events. Dalai-Lama visited Tuva in 1992.
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Dina Oyun

TV-team from Poland was Refused Visas to Russia

TV-crew headed by Zbigniew Szczesny from the Polish Public TV-channel was last moment refused entry visas to Russia. TV-men were planning to shoot a 50-minutes-long documentary film about Ustuu-Khuree Festival of live music in Tuva. They submitted the needed documents to the Russian Foreign Office but the visas were not issued without any explanation.
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Dina Oyun

Welcome to the Village of Old-Believers!

From this time on everone will have a chance to pass his summer holidays in Erzhei, one of the villages of old-believers in Tuva. The touristic base built in Erzhei for the 'Oktai' ensemble is now open not only to the young singers but to everybody who will choose to plunge into the new surrounding and get to know the way of life of old-beleivers in Tuva. One will have there an accomodation in the village house, 4 meals a day (made of natural products), Russian bath, can go fishing, gathering berries.
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Dina Oyun

Alen Marshall and Sainkho Namchylak will be Special Guests at the Ustu-Huree Festival

Ustu-Khuree Festival of live music will be again visited by the legendary Sun Ra Archestra. Director of the group 80-year-old Alen Marshall and 2 other musicians decided to come back to Tuva after their last year triumph in Chadan. They liked the hearty welcome and open-hearted Tuvan public. Sainkho Namchylak will be also a special guest of the event.
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Sayana Mongush
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