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«    March 2025    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

The first snow leopard was successfully photographed in Tuva

The participants in the first Russian-Mongolian expedition for the study of groupings of irbis (snow leopard), which took place from February 20 to March 7 on the Tsagan-Shibetu ridge (western Tuva), made the first photos of this rare predator in the republic, as announced by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) of Russia.

During the field research the members of the expedition, which included specialists from the “Uvsu-Nur depression” nature reserve (Russia), from the administration of especially protected natural territories of the Ubsu-Nuur lake basin (Mongolia), and from the Institute of Biology of Mongolian Academy of Sciences, searched practically the entire Russian part of the Tsagan-Shibetu ridge, discovered 14 tracks of snow leopard and collected fecal specimens of irbis for clarification of their numbers by DNA analysis.

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RIA Novosti, translated by Heda Jindrak

Regional experts of Tuva entered more than 120 noteworthy objects into the “Nine Treasures” contest

More than 120 noteworthy objects have already been entered into the “Nine Treasures” contest (Tos Ertine). The claims have been entered by schoolchildren, students, regional experts, as well as organizations. The greatest activity has been shown by district professional centers, which have been sending whole volumes with descriptions of the brightest noteworthy objects of the kozhuuns of Tuva. Today, the head of the Office of the chairman of the government, Artur Mongal, announced it in a direct broadcast on the TV channel “Tyva”.

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Dina Oyun, translated by Heda Jindrak

Beauty of Tuvan police will go to Olympics in Sochi

Lieutenant of justice, Shenne Mongush, an investigator from the department of investigations of the Kyzyl district internal affairs office won the title “Beauty of Tuvan Police 2010” in the competition of 11 representatives of the beautiful half of the police workers. The title of the first Vice-miss went to police Captain Elena Braum, and the second is Lieutenant Valeria Salchak. The first beauty received a trip to Olympics in Sochi.

  • 60, translated by Heda Jindrak

Tuva presentation took place in Helsinki

On March 1 – 3 in the Russian Center of Science and Culture in Helsinki, a presentation of the program “Regions of Russia. Republic in the center of Asia – Tyva.” Republic Tyva is located right in the center of Asia, as evidenced by the obelisk “Center of Asia” in Kyzyl, the capital of the republic. The traditional culture of Tuvans is a culture of nomads. On March 1, the opening of the exhibitions tookplace: black and white photographs “Tuva in the early 20th century” (author V. Yermolayev); “Archeology of kurgan “Arzhaan-II” of the Scythian period”; souvenirs and national Tuvan costumes; “Religions in Tuva” – ritual paraphernalia of shamanism. Afterwards, a concert was performed on the stage of RCSC. The head of the consulate, T.S. Kleyerova welcomed the Tuvan guests and the audience.

  • 80, translated by Heda Jindrak

Coffee, tea, or a bit of dancing?

Merited artist of Republic Tyva, Sainkho Namchylak, who received this title in December, 2009, has branched out from the realm of musical experiments into the realm of visual arts.

Now she draws with tea, coffe and kefir.

And not just on paper, but even on goat skins.

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Nadezhda Antufyeva, “Center of Asia”, translated by Jeda Jindrak

Tuvan scientist considers birds one of the “Nine Treasures”

Round table discussions concerning problems of protection of rare species of animals of Tuva just took place in Kyzyl. Altogether 50 species of animals and 90 species of plants have been included in the list in the Red Book of the region. Nevertheless, in the opinion of specialists, the protection of nature in the republic is not very good, as GTRK “Tyva” announced. The nature preserve constitutes only 8% of the entire territory of the republic. In the neighboring Republic Altai, with smaller total area, the protected land constitutes more than 20% of the total.

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Info from, translated by Heda Jindrak

A gigantic serpent, a hanging bridge, and stone warriors entered into the “Nine Treasures” contest (Tuva)

Tomorrow at the National Museum of Tuva at 10 o’clock, the members of the organizing committee of the special project “Nine Treasures” (Tuva) will answer the questions of journalists, regional experts, and simply all those who are interested in the noteworthy things in Tuva, and would like to take part in the project. Applications are accepted until March 15. Among the claims received to date, there are well-known Tuvan trademarks, like the Center of Asia, Por-Bazhyn, Ustuu-Khuree, (including the reasons why, historical facts, legends), as well as heretofore completely unknown objects.

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Dina Oyun, translated by Heda Jindrak

Tour companies are getting involved in the search for Genghis Khan’s grave in Tuva

The tomb of great Genghis Khan, which has provoked many search expeditions over many centuries, is to be found in Tuva. This sensational hypothesis was offered at the Round Table meetings with participants of the First international tourism exhibition by the head of Tuva, Sholban Kara-ool. The Premier supposed that the place of burial could be at Chagytai lake. “That is not a Tuvan name, and we know that one of Genghis Khan’s sons was named Chagytai.”. The head of the republic also noted that according to one of well known legendary sources, the protection of the place of the Khan’s burial was assigned to one thousand soldier-guards of the Uriankhit tribe, who, for that reason, were excused from regular military service.

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From info by Natalia Bogdanovskaya,, translated by Heda Jindrak

Wolf hunting in Tuva continues

During the past month, wolf hunts killed 56 of the grey predators in Tuva. Total number of wolves killed this year is 91. During the entire last year, 193 of the grey predators’ pelts were handed in. The head of the hunting and fishing commission, Alexander Novikov reported these facts to Premier of Tuva, Sholban Kara-ool, at an administrative meeting involving the representatives of the districts.

  • 80, translated by Heda Jindrak

In Tuva, the school museum of the Hero of the Soviet Union Khomushku Churgui-ool, is to be completely restored

In Tuva, as part of the project “Moya Pobeda” (My victory) all the monuments to the soldiers of the 1941-1945 war will be renovated and restored. Together with the local administrations, the community will participate: associations of enthusiasts, school regional knowledge clubs, and other community organizations.

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Dina Oyun, photos by author, translated by Heda Jindrak
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