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Small Children Drowned in Uyuk River (Tuva)

Two small children from the Uyuk village (Pii-Khem district, Tuva) - Artem, 3, and Dayana Baikara, 5, - have been missing since Saturday. They left home at noon and have not come by the evening. Their grandmother with whom the children were left, as their mother went to Kyzyl to visit her elder daughter, reported it to the local police station. The boy and the girl were first looked for by local militia and on Sunday a Rescue brigade from Kyzyl joined in.
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Dina Oyun

Emergency Minister Presented Kyzyl School With Computer Class

Sergei Shoigu, Eergency minister of Russia, and Sherig-ool Oorzhak, prime-minister of Tuva. Photo from official site of Tuva One of the most-known Tuvans in Russia, Federal Emergency and Civil Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu, came to Tuva for a two day visit. He chaired a session in Kyzyl devoted to the implementation of the Agreement of cooperation between the Emergency Ministry of Russia and Government of Tuva. Its participants discussed security problems, the efficiency of local rescue brigade work, and neccessary assistance to the rescue service from the executive power of Tuva.
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Dina Oyun

Kyzyl-Kuragino Railway Project Approved by Investment Commission, But with Doubts.

The Kuban-2006 International Economic Forum has opened in Sochi, promoted by Russia as a future Olympic games capital. Within its framework a selection of development projects to be financed from the Investment Fund has been made by the Investment Commission. Yesterday the forum made a decision to recommend to the Governmental Commission two out of the three projects under discussion.
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Dina Oyun

Sainkho to Perform in Moscow

World renowned Tuvan singer Sainkho Namchylak is performing today in Moscow. She will give a concert in the cultural centre 'Dom', founded by her friend Nikolai Dmitriev. Her performance will be part of the festival 'Long Arms-3', devoted to Nikolai Dmitriev's memory.
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Dina Oyun

Tuvan Shaman Invited to Germany to Illustrate Photo Exhibition on Shamanism

Tuvan shaman of 'Dungur' society Laso Mongush is coming tomorrow to Freiburg (Germany) to perform a shamanic ritual in the Adelhausermuseum for Nature and Folk Art. He will also give a lecture on the traditional way of delivery by Tuvan women.
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Dina Oyun

One and a Half Year-Old Daughter Abandoned by Mother at Bus Terminal in Tuva

A mother abandoned her one and a half year-old daughter in Kyzyl, the capital of Tuva. A woman with child in hand appealed to Kyzyl police, as State TV and Radio Company "Tyva" reports. According to the Kyzyl resident, an unknown woman came up to her near the city bus terminal and asked to look after her daughter for a moment. When no one returned to take the child back, the woman reported to the police.
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Prayer Drum Installed and Sanctified in Kyzyl

Sanctification of the prayer drum in Kyzyl. Photo by Igor Yancheglov The first Buddhist prayer drum has been installed and sanctified on Arat Square in Kyzyl. The drum faces the buildings of the Government, Parliament of Tuva, and Drama Theatre surrounding the central square.

Tibetan monks from two monasteries and local lamas have taken part in it. The copper body of the prayer drum was filled with the mantra "Om mani padme hum" in SansKrit and Tibetan.

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Julia Zhironkina, Dina Oyun

Supreme Court of Russia Restored Life Party Election Registration Cancelled by Tuvan Court

Photo by RIA Novosti Today the Supreme Court of Russia annulled a Tuvan Court decision taken September 5, cancelling election registration of the Life party candidates list. Among those who found the Tuvan Court decision illegal were Prosecutor General Office, Central Election Commission of Russia, Election Commission of Tuva, Tuvan Department of Life party. The only one backing it was United Russia in Tuva.
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Dina Oyun

Liberal Democrats Leader Visited Tuva

Vladimir Zhirinovki. Fhoto from One of the most scandalous Russian politicians, Liberal Democrats leader Vladimir Zhirinovski made a three-hour-long visit to Tuva on Sunday, September 24.

He was met in the airport by a Tuvan representative executive power team - Vice-Prime-Ministers Alexandr Brokert, Sergei Barybin; Minister of Economics Galina Balakina, Internal Affairs Minister Viktor Lesnyak, Culture Minister Zoya Samdan, and Kyzyl mayor Dmitri Dongak.

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Dina Oyun

American Tour of Legendary Yat-Kha Goes on

Tuvan Yat-Kha goes on touring USA. Yesterday it gave a concert at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. On the eve of the event The Boston Globe publishes an article on Albert Kuvezin's Tuvan rock.
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The Boston Globe
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