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9 Fabruary 2006 | Views: 3434 | Comments: 0 |
The remarkable Huun-Huur-Tu, the Throat Singers of Tuva, will perform at the Napa Valley Opera House Feb. 17. This will the a second visit to the valley by these performers, who have emerged as the foremost international representatives of Tuva's remarkable musical culture. The best known genre of Tuvan music, xmei (throat-singing), comprises what one might call a lexicon of musical onomatopoeia in which natural sounds are mimetically transformed into musical representations.
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8 Fabruary 2006 | Views: 2703 | Comments: 0 |
Ayan Salchak, military man of urgent service from Tuva, serving in Kyakhta (Buryatia), where on February, 4, 2005 his Shoraan Shanmak and Artysh Mongush were killed in mistereous circumstances, is now reported to be kept in psychiatric hospital, as his mother told Tuva-Online correspondent. She is worried about his health as according to other Tuvans serving in the same military unit Ayan was very much distressed by the death of his fellow countrimen. He was a close realtion to the murdered soldiers who left the unit without a permission and were reported to be shot dead as they showed armed resistence when they were persuaded to come out of the basement in the 5-storeyed building where they were found.
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6 Fabruary 2006 | Views: 2455 | Comments: 0 |
Moscow-based Tuvans will get together to meet Shagaa on the 18th of February, almost 20 days after all the Tuvans greeted new year according to the moon calendar. The date is chosen to have all the Tuvan students back from their winter holidays spent in Tuva as the bulk of the Tuvan diaspore in Moscow is made up of the students. Moscow Shagaa will have as stars Kongar-ool Ondar and his pupils - 'Alash' musicians.
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4 Fabruary 2006 | Views: 8067 | Comments: 0 |
A new website, devoted to Tuva, has been recently created. TyvaWiki is a documentation project intended to collect and disseminate information about Tuva in English. As one of its organizers Stacey Borsody reported to Tuva-Online, the site is designed to promote the use and education of the Tuvan language on the Internet. She also drew a quatation by Alan Cox, famous Linux kernel programmer, if a language is not on computers in fifty years it will no longer exist.
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2 Fabruary 2006 | Views: 3412 | Comments: 0 |
Tuvan throat singing group Alash - one of the world's foremost practitioners of this rare musical art form - will be performing in the New York City area in early March. This will be an opportunity to hear and witness a musical craft born in the remote mountains of southern Russia and Mongolia. Alash's visit to New Hampshire, Connecticut and New York for three weeks of performances and collaboration with U.S. musicians is sponsored by the Open World Leadership Center at the Library of Congress with funding from the National Endowment for the Arts. CEC ArtsLink is hosting the musicians during their stay in the U.S.
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31 January 2006 | Views: 3792 | Comments: 0 |
Monday was an official day off in Tuva. Since 1991 Shagaa (movable according to the Lunar Calendar) and the Day of the Republic (August, 15) have been celebrated officially after decades of oblivion. January, 30 this time was fixed by the Resolution of the Great Khural of Tuva as the festive day based on the recommendations of the Tuva's Kamby-Lama. Night preachings took place in all the lamaseries of the republic and in the Drama theatre as well. People tried to fight the sleep as it is a general belief that one of the Deities during the night on the Shagaa's eve counts the souls. If you are asleep you won't be counted and will be devoide of a large portion of happiness.
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28 January 2006 | Views: 3171 | Comments: 0 |
Tuva authorities closed and quarantined all schools in the republic's capital as flu epidemic spread, sickening 25 percent of pupils in each class, duty Town Hall officer told Itar-Tass.
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26 January 2006 | Views: 2877 | Comments: 0 |
Founded a year ago on the All Russian Students' Day, January, 25, the youth 'Pyatiletka' club has celebrated its 1st anniversary. The club is hosted on the 2nd floor of the sportcomplex and during the daytime is the place for training sessions of breakdancers, rollers etc and during the nightime is a popular discoclub visited mostly by students. The club is financially supported by the Kyzyl municipal committee for the youth and sports. The yeasterday's birthday party in the club started with the official ceremony of honouring the best Tuvan students who in the 1st part of the day were awarded with the Mayor's premia.
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24 January 2006 | Views: 3663 | Comments: 0 |
A working meeting between Chairman of Tuva Republic's Government Sherig-ool Oorzhak and representatives of Siberian building companies took place in the executive committee of the interregional association Siberian Accord. At the meeting the participants discussed the issues of cooperation in housing construction from the standpoint of implementation of the national project 'Affordable and Comfortable Housing for Russian Citizens.'
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21 January 2006 | Views: 2676 | Comments: 0 |
I've heard of the possible bus trips from Tuva to China. Is it true? What is the price of such a trip? (Daniel, Switzerland) Yes, such trips are realized by Tuvan drivers, mostly of the private-owned buses. Two-way trip through Mongolia to Manchuria costs one 10000 rouble (appr 350 dollars). Buses take a start from the parking lot near the Drama theatre in Kyzyl every Tuesday. It is known as a shopping trip for Tuvan merchants who buy there cheap Chinese goods. Send your questions to info@tuvaonline.ru