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» Today in Tuva the Day of Constitution is Celebrated
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«    May 2005    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Today in Tuva the Day of Constitution is Celebrated

Today in Tuva is a day-off. Tuvan Constitution Day has been celebrated May, 6 since 2001 when a new Tuvan Constitution was adopted at an all-republican referendum. The preparation of the new main Law went in the tight political fight in between the President of the Republic who developed the draft law and the Supreme Khural (then the name of the Tuvan Parliament). Deputies did not approve some of the changes introduced by the new Constitution – liquidation of the presidential post, bicameral parliament with an unprecedented for the 95 per cent donated Tuva number of the deputies – 162, private property for land etc. They suggested that the most disputable questions in the draft law be voted on a referendum and after that the parliament in accordance with the old constitution (1993) adopt the new main law in the whole. But the other party insisted that the law should be voted by electorate as such either pro or contra but without any changes. Thus as the political experts predicted Sherig-ool Oorzhak wanted to create the managiable higher chamber with 132 non-professional deputies combining their labour duties with parliamentary work and a lower chamber with 32 professional deputies where he wanted his proponents to be elected to. Thus it happened – many of the oppositional old khural deputies were defeated by the pro-presidential figures. But in the long run even the proponents became again an opposition and to the old traditional contradictions between executive and legislative branches of the power discrepancies between the two chambers are now added. Illustrative of it is the fight over the republican budget which ended by adoption of the Tuvan budget for 2005 in late April, 2005.

Dina Oyun
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