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» Dina Oyun Explains her Position on the Federal TV Channel
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«    July 2002    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Dina Oyun Explains her Position on the Federal TV Channel

Today one of the stories of the weekly analytical program "Vesti Nedeli" ("News of the week") broadcast on the national RTR TV channel was devoted to the so-to-speak "consequences" of the press conference held by President Putin. Two regional journalists who asked the President questions happened to be persecuted afterwards by the local authorities. Editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Krasny Tundrovik" was fired right after Putin's press-conference on the pretext of her poor management. The journalist of this news-paper who was sent to the Presidential press-conference informed Putin in his question about the Nenets Governor ignoring Prosecutor's calls to come to his office for questioning. Nenets Governor Butov is suspected of some financial malfeasance.

Also, against Dina Oyun, editor-in-chief of the "Tuva-Online" agency, who is subject of a suit for asking an "incorrect" question by the chief of the Tuvan Central Election Committee, the election "head" in Tuva, Sholban Mongush, told the journalists at a press conference devoted to the results of the second round of Tuvan Parliamentary elections held on June, 23, right before Putin's press conference. The host of the "Vesti Nedeli" TV program Dina Oyun. Exile-cards. By commented on this reaction of the local authorities as being a usual thing on a regional level in Russia, this time receiving a federal coverage. On this program, Dina Oyun answered the correspondent's question; "Are you afraid of being put into jail?" by saying: "I don't think that filing this suit against me the local CEC (Central Election Committee) really meant to put me into prison, it was rather a kind of a preventive measure for others not to ask such questions to the President of Russia. According to their thinking they should probably be approved by some of the republic authorities." The host of the program spoke of this strange reaction of local power in negative terms.

Interesting that this situation with the Tuvan journalist inspired Exile weekly to include Dina into a baseball cards set alongside with Putin, Fradkov. Khodorkovski, Abramovitsch and others.

Alexandr Papyn
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