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«    September 2002    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Results of the Archaeological Excavations Prove the Gerodot Theory

The results of the archaeological excavations by scientists from St. Petersburg in the Pii-Khem District of Tuva, prove the Gerodot theory that proposed that the Scythian tribes whose burial mounds were found in the Black Sea area are of Asian origin. However, Gerodots hypothesis was rejected due to the Caucasoid features and structures of the Scythian people.
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Yulia Kanor

Agreement of Cooperation Between the Government of Tuva and the Government of the Republic of Mongolia is under Preparation

The Agreement of Cooperation between the government of Tuva and the government of the Republic of Mongolia is under preparation. The draft of this document has been approved on all levels of both parties, and will be signed during Sherig-ool Oorzhaks visit to Mongolia in late September. Within the framework of this cooperation, the Mongolian party will provide Tuva with cattle, but this still needs to be discussed as there are certain limitations on goods and supplies in both the Constitution of Mongolia and of the Russian legislature. Most of them have to do with veterinary standardsЂMongolian standards do not correspond with those of Russia.
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Government Press-Srvice

Tuvans Protest Against the Refusal of Russian officials to Issue Visa for Dalai-Lama

Today the Buddhists of the Republic held a protest in support of the 14th Dalai Lama, whose travel into the country was refused by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on the recommendation of Chinese authorities. The same kind of protests were held in all of the Buddhist republics of Russia, among them Kalmykia and Buryatia, who also expected the Dalai Lama. Ten years ago, on September 19th, Tenzin Gyatso came to Tuva for the first time, on the invitation of the Tuvan parliament. Thousands of people gathered then on Lenin St. in Kyzyl and prayed together with him. A decade after this spiritual gathering, the Buddhist leader may not return to the same place. The participants in the protest appealed to the President of Russia and the parliament of the Federation, asking for the Dalai Lamas return.
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Dina Oyun

Tuvan Singer Performing in Odessa

Andrei Mongush, a Tuvan musician and composer, who became extremely popular thanks to his song, 'Men Tyva Men' ('I'm Tuvan'), is now heading to the southern city of Odessa, where he has been invited to take part in a jazz festival. After the festival he will go to Moscow and St. Petersburg, where he will perform in nightclubs.
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Dina Oyun

'Sayany' Performing in Moscow

Tuvan state ensemble, 'Sayany', after a one year hiatus, is again performing in Moscow. The ensemble will take part in an all-Russian Festival of National Culture together with forty other ensembles representing different parts of Russia. Sayany's first concert in the Kolomenskoye was a great success. Today the Tuvan artists performed in the concert hall of Moscow University.
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Dina Oyun

Kyzyl will Elect its Mayor on October, 13

The election for the office of Mayor of Kyzyl will take place on October 13. The number of people who have applied for candidacy with the Central Election Committee now stands at four.
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Dina Oyun

The Deputies did not show up at the Press-Conference

The long-scheduled press conference of the Deputies of the Great Khural was at the point of being canceled when the organizers, Taisia Kuular and Vyacheslav Ushkalov, did not show up to meet the gathered journalists. The situation was saved when their colleagues, Vitali Valkov and Sholban Kara-ool, who read about the press conference in the newspapers and came out of curiosity about the comments their collegues would make.
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Dina Oyun

Internet-Cafe Opened in Kyzyl

An internet cafe has opened in the hostel of the Tuvan State University (Kyzyl, Internationalnaya, Str. 20). Here the students, who a majority of come from far-off districts of Tuva, can get acquainted with the global net. The cafe was financed by the Committee for Youth (600,000 rubles) and the Ministry for Personnel Selection and Higher Education (300,000 rubles). Present at the opening was Sherig-ool Oorzhak.
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Dina Oyun
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