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» Press-Secretary of the Tuvan Prime-Minister Came to Head the Oldest Tuvan News-Paper
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«    Fabruary 2006    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Press-Secretary of the Tuvan Prime-Minister Came to Head the Oldest Tuvan News-Paper

Leonid Natpit-ool is appointed chief-editor of the 'Tuvinskaya Pravda', oldest Tuvan news-paper. It was started in 1924 as 'Red Ploughman', news-paper of the Russian settlers in Tuva. In 1931 it was renamed into 'New Road', later in 1934 - into 'Forward!' and finally in 1942 it acquired its present name - 'Tuvan Truth'. it was the official press of the Tuvan Communist party, after perestroika it came under the auspiceship of the Tuvan Government. Its circulation from 25000 at its peak in the Party time dropped to 2500 at present. Being earlier a dayly now it comes out 3 times a week. It is sold at 3 rouble a copy costing actually 8 rouble, the rest being donated from th erepublican budget. This situation was attempted to be revised by the Tuvan deputies who insisted on adopting a legislature regulating budget donations for state-run press. The bill did not pass through the Higher Chamber of the Great Khural's approvement. The deputies who initiated the bill spoke of the unfair situation when the state-owned news-paper reflects the point of view of the only power branch - that of the government, neglecting the other - that of the parliament.

Ex-head of the editorial staff Oleg Gavrilov, 71, retired.

Sayana Mongush, Dina Oyun
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