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» Shyn is Celebrating its 80th Anniversary
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«    September 2005    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Shyn is Celebrating its 80th Anniversary

One of the first issues of 'Shyn'. Photo courtesy of http://shyin.tuva.ruThe oldest Tuvan news-paper is celebrating its 80th anniversary. In April 1925 new printing equipment, bought with the help of the Russian Government, was installed on the base of the 'Red Ploughman' (news-paper of the Russian settlers) printing house. And 4 months later on the 31 of August 300 copies of the first issue of the Tuvan news-paper 'Unen' were released in the Mongolian language. In 1931 with the appearance of the Tuvan written language the news-paper was renamed into 'Shyn' (the Truth). Throughout the past years 18 journalists and party officials have been at the head of the news-paper. They made different carreers. One of the first ones Adyg-Tulush Khemchik-ool was repressed in the 30-ties. Many talented Tuvan writers passed through the 'Shyn' school. Among them are Bai-Kara Khovenmei, Yuri Kunzegesh, Salim Surun-ool, Kyzyl-Enik Kudazhi which are now considered the classics of Tuvan literature. Today 'Shyn' is the main source of information for people in the far-off districts of Tuva where no radio and TV programs are received. Its circulation is 8000. Artur Khertek, editor-in-chief, and Svetlana Balchyrga, a leading journalist, are awarded by the Prime-Minister's decree with the titles of the 'Merited Workers of Tuva'

Dina Oyun
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