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» New Tuvan Militia Chief Started his Work with a Sabbatarian
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«    April 2006    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

New Tuvan Militia Chief Started his Work with a Sabbatarian

Cleaning in Tuvan militia. Photo by press-service of the ministry of the interior affairsNew head of the Tuvan Militia Viktor Lesnyak, 55, ex-chief of the Chelyabinsk miltia, came to Tuva in a company of the vice-minister of the interior affairs of Russia Nikolai Ovchinnikov, who presented a new appointee to the Prime-minister of the republic.

New Tuvan militia chief after the first acquaintance with the work of the ministry, paid attention of his new subordinates to the unclean working studies, dirty walls and decayed banners of Russia and Tuva fluttering on the ministry's roof. Photo by press-service of the Tuvan ministry of internal affairs He announced a Sabbatarian day on which Tuvan militiamen took cloths and mops and began cleaning the building and their own working studies. 'If you cannot put in order your own working place, how can you put in order the life in the republic?!' -said Lesnyak to his subordinates.

Dina Oyun
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