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» Tuvan Student Miss Asia-2006
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«    August 2006    »
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Tuvan Student Miss Asia-2006

Radmila Kuzhuget, Tuva, winner at the Miss Asia beauty contest. 2006. Jury named Tuvan student Radmila Kuzhuget 'Miss Asia' at the beauty contest which took place in Kyzyl within the framework of the 6th Festival of youth and students from Asian-Pacific countries.

For Radmila Kuzhuget it is the second victory of the season. Two weeks ago she won the 'Miss Alma Mater' beauty contest which gathered in Kyzyl Tuvan students who study in and outside Tuva.

Seventeen beauties representing Russian regions, Kazakhstan and Mongolia took part in the contest on the Tuvan Drama theatre stage. Sangadji Tarbaev, a KVN Russian star, of Kalmykian origin, acted as the contest moderator. Dana Dzhangarasheva, Kazakhstan, vice-Miss Asia. Tuva. Courtesy to Organising Committee of the 6th Festival Vice-Miss Asia-2006 is 19-year-old Dana Gzhangarasheva (Kazakhstan).

Dana Dzhangarasheva (then Zhusupova) was 'Miss Astana' in 2003 and 'Miss Photo Model' of Kazkhstan in 2006.

Julia Bakhtieva from Bashkortostan is 'Miss Perfection'. Eugene Orgee (Tuva) is Miss Charm.

Asian-Pacific youth festival takes place every 2 years. At the last biennale that was held in 2004 in Ulan-Ude (Buryatia) Sayana Markhaeva (Buryatia) won the Miss Asia title. The next 7th festival is slated to take place in 2008 in Kalmykia.

Kheimer-ool Oorzhak, Dina Oyun
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