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» Tuva Be Represented at the World Miss Asia Beauty Contest
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«    August 2006    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Tuva Be Represented at the World Miss Asia Beauty Contest

Orlana Saryglar. Dangyna-2006. Tuva. Photo by Arthur MongushTuva is invited to send its national beauty contest winner to the World Miss Asia Contest which is to take place in Mongolia, September 18-19. But the 14-year-old winner of the recently held Tuvan 'Dangyna' contest Orlana Saryglar does not fit into the set international standards, Kima Dongak, director of the Tuvan contest, reported to Tuva-Online.

A 170-sm tall girl - quite high amidst Tuvans - is not high enough to compete with other Asian beauties, Kima regrets.

"We have to hold a new casting inviting tall Tuvan girls to take part in it. But they are usually unwilling. It's a hard job to be a model. And they do not want to work hard preferring to have fun with their friends". Suzanna Mongush. Tuva. Photo by Arthur Mongush Vyacheslav Dongak's model agency received an invitation to send a Tuvan beauty to Miss Asia contest in early August in Inner Mongolia (China). Dongak, a famous choreographer, has turned of late into a promising clothes-designer. He and five Tuvan models took part in the Fourth International Competition of Ethnic Costumes Designers. Tuvan Model Suzanna Mongish was recognized Best Model, Vyacheslav Dongak - Best Designer.

Dina Oyun
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