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«    August 2012    »
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Head of Tuva welcomes participants of the International Beauty Contest "Miss Centre of Asia"

Head of Tuva welcomes participants of the International Beauty Contest "Miss Centre of Asia"Today, International Beauty Contest "Miss Center of Asia-2012" opens in the capital; two stages will be held at the National Theatre.

The finale will take place on 26 August. As one of the main organizers of the contest, Kima Dongak, informed us, the goal of this international action is the popularization of the chief trademark of Tuva - the "Center of Asia" obelisk. All 14 of the beautiful contestants were today seen by the head of the republic, Sholban Kara-ool, who welcomed the girls and told them about the history, culture and noteworthy attractions of the republic. He noted that the ancestors of the nations whom the contestants represent have history in common with ancient Tuva; that is why there is so much in common with Turkey, Mongolia, Buryatia, Kalmykia, Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Kazakhstan and Khakassia.

"Today you, as representatives of Asian nations from various corners of the world, are standing at the very center of Asia, where at the confluence of two rivers the largest river of Russia is born - the mighty Yenisei, - Sholban Kara-ool said. - You came to an ancient land, but at the same time, to a very young republic."

The head of Tuva told the girls in detail about the original culture, traditions and customs of Tuvan people and emphasized, that the authorities will do everything to protect caringly the beauty of virginal Tuvan nature during development.

Sholban Kara-ool also shared his plans of reconstruction of a 5-km stretch of Yenisei shore,, where the main attraction of Tuva is located - the "Center of Asia" obelisk. It is here that the geographic center of the Asian continent will be specially marked; it will become the heart of the architectural ensemble. "There are many mysterious and beautiful places in our ancient country. We aim to promote our touristic brands, - said the Premier.

Head of Tuva welcomes participants of the International Beauty Contest "Miss Centre of Asia"Representative of Azerbaijan (Baku) Maya Dzhafarova seconded the word of the head of the republic.

"You know, Azerbaijan today is also actively developing tourism. We have very many beautiful places, and I would like to invite you, Sholban Valerievich, to our country, - Maya Dzhafarova addressed the Premier. - I am very happy that I came to Tuva! It is an incredibly beautiful country! Everything is preserved in the primal condition. I would like very much for that beauty to be preserved. It is a beautiful republic."

Contestant from Kyrgyzstan (Bishkek), Aizhan Seisembayeva pointed out that as a result of her stay in the capital she noticed that local authorities actively support development of culture and the arts. In her opinion, this is very important and valuable. She thanked all the organizers of the contest for giving her the opportunity to get to know this astonishing republic right in the center of Asia. "I would like our nations to live in friendship and peace, - Aizhan Seisembayeva wished.

The beauty from Turkey, Merve Kodzhazhik thanked Sholban kara-ool for his warm welcome, which took place despite of his busy schedule. She shared that she is studying to be a diplomat. At the same time, organizer of the beauty contest noted with interest that the girl from Turkey looks very much like Tuvan beauties, this astonishing similarity, in her opinion, shows that they are related…

Kima Dongak also shared that during a trip with her artistic collections to Turkey, she found out: President of Turkey is a great fan of Tuvan throat-singing, and Turkish TV is coming to Tuva.

Head of Tuva, Sholban Kara-ool confirmed that Turkish TV is coming to Tuva in September to film a documentary comparing ancient Tuva with Tuva of today.
Remarkably beautiful representative of Mongolia from Ulan-Bator, Togsoo Idersaikhan also greeted the participants in the meeting, and wished everyone good luck. The Premier remarked that Tuva and Mongolia have much in common, and co-operation continues.

In conclusion of the meeting, Sholban Kara-ool wished everyone success and victory. "There are many kinds of beauty, and every person has her own. The Title "Miss Center of Asia" will be won by one girl. But that does not mean that the other contestants are not beautiful, - Kara-ool said. - And I have to say that true incomparable beauty comes from inside. So I wish for you to be in harmony. You are young and there is much ahead of you. Life brings victories and defeats, but whatever comes, keep positive attitude!"

As the organizing committee announced, the famous designer Valentin Yudashkin could not come to Kyzyl, but Yudashkin's House of Fashion is represented by the casting director, who will present certificates to the best contestants, which will give them the right to participate in fashion shows which will take place in Milan.

gov.tuva.ru, translated by Heda Jindrak
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