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» Posts of 26.08.2012
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«    August 2012    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Head of Tuva welcomes participants of the International Beauty Contest "Miss Centre of Asia"

Head of Tuva welcomes participants of the International Beauty Contest "Miss Centre of Asia"Today, International Beauty Contest "Miss Center of Asia-2012" opens in the capital; two stages will be held at the National Theatre.
The finale will take place on 26 August. As one of the main organizers of the contest, Kima Dongak, informed us, the goal of this international action is the popularization of the chief trademark of Tuva - the "Center of Asia" obelisk. All 14 of the beautiful contestants were today seen by the head of the republic, Sholban Kara-ool, who welcomed the girls and told them about the history, culture and noteworthy attractions of the republic.
  • 100, translated by Heda Jindrak

Ninth Interregional Fair "TyvaExpo-2012" now in Tuva

Ninth Interregional Fair "TyvaExpo-2012" now in TuvaFrom 24 August, the Ninth Interregional Exhibition - Fair will be at the "Subedei" sports complex, as announced by the site of the Ministry of Economy of the republic. The fair will take three days. Among the participants, firms and organizations from regions of SFO and other regions of Russia are expected, as well as firms from Mongolia. More than 100 participants are expected, 40% of which are firms and organizations based in Tuva.
  • 100, translated by Heda Jindrak
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