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«    August 2008    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

The Security Guard of the Head of Tuva Will Provide Protection for the “Arzhaan-2” Collection

The official site of the Tuva Republic informs us about the intention of the Prime Minister of Tuva, Sholban Kara-ool, to present his own security guard to the new museum. The question of the exhibition of the “Arzhaan-2” collection needs a fast solution. During the discussions about the repatriation of the treasure to its native country, believing in guarantees of support on the federal level, the Republic took upon itself the responsibility for appropriate security measures to protect these unique treasures.

However, the initiative of apportioning sufficient means to provide appropriate contemporary security technology fro the museum was not fully honored. The question of the necessary 8 million remained open, and the entire collection, the return of which was a matter of a very difficult negotiation, is now stored in a bank safe.

“It is the inheritance from our ancestors, which is expected to stimulate the rebirth of the spirit of the nation, - insists Sholban kara-ool, - when we were demanding for it to be returned to its native country, we could not even imagine that events would take such a turn. As a result of the opposition by the Judicial branch, we now have to keep the unique treasures hidden from the sight of the public, in one of the bank safes. It is abnormal when our pride, our cultural inheritance,, which bears witness that three thousand years ago , there was a high level of culture and civilization on Tuva territory, cannot be in a museum. It is abnormal and heretical, when decisions about this matter are made in the parliament on the basis of politics and not on the human, living, even patriotic logic. In the nearest future, there will be a letter prepared to the Minister of Interior, Viktor Lesniak, with the request to remove the security measures from my home, and transfer them to another object, the new museum, “ – confirmed the Chairman of the Government of the Republic.

Independent security guard, that now protects the house of the Head of Government, was “inherited” from his predecessor, Sherig-ool Oorzhak. According to the established guidelines, the domiciles of the leading regional personnel have to be appropriately protected.

By voluntarily giving up his security guard and presenting it to the national museum, the Prime Minister is not simply demonstrating the example of his own personal concern about the fate of the “Arzhaan-2” collection: Sholban Kara-ool is maximally interested in keeping the gold of the Scythians in its own native country, in the museum, where it will be accessible for viewing by everybody.

In the White House, they are promising to do everything possible to put the collection into public view in the nearest time.

gov.tuva.ru, translated by Heda Jindrak
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