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«    September 2006    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Two People Killed in Slot-Machine House

Two people were killed following an attack on a slot-machine pavillion in Kyzyl. The bloody body of a security guard was noticed early in the morning of September 4 by a car-driver who reported it to the police station. Militia arrived and found the corpse of Elika Oorzhak, 21, slot-machine operator, with numerous cuts on the face and body, supposedly left from an axe. Guardian Eduard Nursat was taken to hospital with serious injuries, where he died afterwards. Nursat, a first-year student at the State Tuvan University was not a professional security guard, he was asked that tragic night by his acquaintance to work for him.

The police do not have any formal versions of what happened yet. It is known there was no robbery: the cash was not stolen and the slot-machines function properly.

The gambling pavillion is run by famous Tuvan wrestler Ivan Khuragan. In February 2006 an extradepartmental security service offered the firm to sign a contract but received a refusal. The level of security in the slot-machine hall did not correspond to the necessary requirements. An investigation is being undertaken.

It is worth mentioning it was not the first murder in a slot-machine hall in Tuva. In November 2005 a security guard was killed because he did not let a regular customer into the hall in Kyzyl. In spring 2006 six young men committed an armed attack of the slot-machine pavilion "Leon".

Tuvan legislators tried to push a law introducing a 5-year moratorium on gambling in Tuva as gambling is traditionally alien to the Tuvan mentality, however the gambling lobby happened to be more influential.

Dina Oyun
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