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«    Fabruary 2010    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

TV Viewers of television channel “Novyi vek” named their “treasures of Tuva”

Television program “Narodnyi Reiting” (People's rating) carried out voting this week about the project “Nine Treasures”, which was announced by the head of Tuva, Sholban Kara-ool, on January 13. the viewers of the channel were asked to make up their list of the main treasures of Tuav. “They suggested the Tuvan language, shamanism, the Center of Asia monument,- said the editor-in-chief of the newspaper “Plyus Inform”, Elvira Lifanova, who is also an adviser to the Chairman of the Government, to Tuva Online. – but most of the votes went to khoomei, Tuvan throat singing.”

Remember that it is especially throat singing that is the trademark of Tuva. The vocal phenomenon of the nomads of the center of Asia was also noted in the ratings of “Forbes” journal.

As Elvira Lifanova explains, the goal of the project “Tos Ertine” is to search and identify obscure noteworthy features, objects and phenomena, for the purpose of increasing the attractiveness of the republic to tourism. So much more, because 2010 was declared the Year of Tourism.

The scientific curators of the project “Tos Ertine” are the Doctor of Historical sciences, shamanologist, and national writer of Tuva, Mongush Borakhovich Kenin-Lopsan, and the first archeologist of Tuva, ethnographer, and Merited scholar of TUvan ASSR, Mongush Khurgul-oolovich Mannai-ool.

“Nine Treasures” (Tos Ertine)

Introduce the unknown Tuva to your compatriots, to Russia, and to the world. Until very recently, the fortress Por-Bazhyn, the Ustuu-Khuree temple, and the Arzhaan kurgans were known to only a narrow circle of people, but now their names are famous trademarks of Tuva. Certainly even in your district, town or village, there is something similar – an unusual natural monument, a place which has a historical, cultural, ethnographic or cultic significance, remains of ancient epochs and civilizations, structures built by human hands or rare landscapes created by nature.

Use this opportunity – participate in the contest “9 Treasures of Tuva”!

The stages of the project:

Stage 1 – until March 15 of 2010. Anybody who wishes to do so can participate. Collection of the entries for inclusion in the list of noteworthy sights or items – natural or cultural phenomena, historical monuments, local noteworthy objects, which can become candidates for the title “Treasure of Tuva”. The entries should include the description of the object (location, short historical note, reason why this object is attractive, interesting history, legends and myths), together with brief information about yourself. Include contacts- (address, telephone number, e-mail). Photo and video-materials are welcome. The entries are to be sent to the address: 667000, ul. Chulduma, 18, with a note “For the “Tos Ertine” contest; or e-mail: tosertine@yandex.ru. The entries will also be accepted at all the post office points of the republic. If you have any further questions, call 8(39422)21227.

Stage 2 – until March 31, 2010. Work-up of the materials received, compilation of the list of noteworthy objects of Tuva, publication and distribution of the list in the media. Opening of the official site of the contest “Nine treasures of Tuva”.

Stage 3 – from April 1 to September 1, 2010. There will be competitions for the best public action for presentation of the entered noteworthy objects – (with preliminary notifications to the organizing committee; for the best story, photographic work, video material, TV subject, radio program about the objects entered, and associated actions for their presentation; for the best thematic tour itinerary which includes the entries.

Stage 4 - until September 5, collection of materials for the contest from journalists, students, regional knowledge experts, initiative groups for arrangement of tourist objects, tour companies, regional knowledge clubs.

Stage 5 – September 5 -15, 2010. National voting; SMS and Internet on the official site of this special project.

Stage 6 - October - November - presentation of “Nine Treasures of Tuva”. Awards to laureates of the projects in various categories. Memorial souvenirs to be presented to the first 30 participants. Recognition of active participants of the voting.

Stage 7 – December. Culmination of the Year of Tourism, presentation of illustrated volume “Nine Treasures of Tuva” with the most interesting journalist material about the noteworthy phenomena of the republic, maps of tourist noteworthy areas of Tuva, DVD album of the best video-materials of the contest, of the noteworthy phenomena of Tuva of tourist interest.

Dina Oyun, translated by Heda Jindrak
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