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«    Fabruary 2010    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Tuvan journalist at the Olympics in Vancouver

The director of the TV channel “Rossiya 2” (formerly “Sport”), Aleksandr Papyn, will be among those who provide direct broadcasting of competitions which involve Russian athletes from the Olympics in Vancouver.

On February 13, exactly at the eve of the Lunar New Year – Shagaa, Aleksandr will be working at the opening of the Olympic games. This way, the necessary condition for the year of Metallic Tiger to be successful, that is, wakefulness during the night before Shagaa, will be completely inescapable for Aleksandr.

It became known that the TV team of 84 people, including two directors, will be working all the channels of VGTRK holding (“Rossiya 1”, “Rossiya 2”, “Rossiya 24”) and joint “2 Sport 2”, of the First channel.

The day after tomorrow, the rest of the group leaves for Vancouver. The schedule of the Russian TV personnel will be very hectic – from 9 am local time to midnight.

“This is the first time that I will actually be at the Olympics, but I am already quite experienced in the substance of this type of work, - explained Aleksandr. – I have already worked three Olympics in Moscow, at the receiving end. But I am afraid that I won’t be able to do much sightseeing in Vancouver – the work load will be too great.”

Remember that the Vancouver Winter Olympics end on February 28.

Dina Oyun, translated by Heda Jindrak
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