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» » Shamanologist, Shaman, Doctor of historical sciences Mongust Kenin-Lopsan’s holiday greetings to his compatriots
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«    Fabruary 2010    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Shamanologist, Shaman, Doctor of historical sciences Mongust Kenin-Lopsan’s holiday greetings to his compatriots

Doctor of historical sciences,shamanologist, president of the shamanic association “Dungur”, Mongush Kenin-Lopsan, has sent his Lunar New Year greetings to the people of Tuva:

“Greetings with the New Year of the Tiger! Chaa chyl keldi!

Turning to the rising sun…

The human genius collected an anthology of horoscopes under the general title “Zvezdy i sudby” ( “Stars and Fate”). Every nation has its own variant – its own horoscope.

The people of the multi-ethnic Republic Tuva are welcoming the New Year of the Tiger, on February 14, 2010 in the old tradition.

The first day of the year is met, in the beautiful ancient tradition, in this way:

The elder of the aal community performs a smoke offering with the mystical aroma of juniper, addressing the rising sun, which is a symbol of the path to Happiness to all the inhabitants of the Earth.

From the day that the cranes fly south, to warm climates, every Tuvan family starts getting ready the best ways to meet the New Year. Secretly, every family prepares the best examples of Tuvan ancient cuisine, to be presented to all their guests on the New Year’s day. Tuvan vocabulary does not have such expressions as “white road” or “black road”. The mood of solemn celebration is conveyed by the traditional words the Road of Light, the Sunny Road to happiness.

The New Year celebration continues for one, three, or seven days. The men have athletic contests - “tevek”, game of tug between two strong teams of men, archery skills, and sledding down hills on a goat skin. Contests of the strongest men are by the fire - “whoever can eat the most Tuvan pelmeni”.

The New Year’s day tradition demands an exhibition of the best works of craftswomen of advanced age as well as those of children. Children’s dolls representing heroes of folk tales, clothing decorations, and women’s silver jewelry are presented. On the day of welcoming the New Year, their parents will give anything they ask for to children up to 13 years of age.

There is one strict rule: it is prohibited to drink alcoholic beverages during the days of New Year celebrations. But the young people are allowed to dress up and decorate themselves; the elders are allowed to drink berry cider.

The Year of the Tiger is a year of great achievements and real trials. Those born in the Year of the Tiger are not of humble character.

Meet the Year of the Tiger with the hope for wonderful future, and with respect for your environment!

My greetings to all my respected compatriots with the Year of the Tiger!

Let the secret dreams of all of us come true in the new year!

tuvpravda.ru, translated by Heda Jindrak
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