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«    Fabruary 2010    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Moscow assigned land on Poklonnaya Mountain for Buddhist temple

The leaders of Moscow assigned land for building a Buddhist temple in Victory Park on Poklonnaya Mountain. This was announced by RIA Novosti, referring to the mayor’s second-in-command in matters of sport, tourism and interregional co-operation, Sergei Bailakov. The decision about building the temple was made several years ago, but difficulties arose with assigning the actual plot of land.

Bailakov explained that when the layout of the Poklonnaya Montain territory was being planned, the decision regarding the building of temples and chapels for the representatives of various religions who died in the war was not taken into account. Now, in his words, the problems are solved, and a small plot of 0.1 hectare will be assigned for the temple.

The temple will be financed by the Buddhist community.

The idea of raising a temple for the Buddhist soldiers who participated in the Great Patriotic War has long been under evaluation. But only in February 2009 did these plans enter into an official document – Agreement about co-operation between Republic Tuva and Moscow, which was signed by Sholban Kara-ool and Yuri Luzhkov.

The idea of building a Buddhist temple in the capital of Russia was supported by Buryatia, Kalmykia and Trans-Baikal, regions where Buddhism is the major religion.

In January of this year, a meeting of the organizing committee took place at the plenipotentiary office of Tuva in Moscow to co-ordinate the construction plans. Specifically, it was decided that architects from Kalmykia will design the building.

In April-May, an exposition will also open at Poklonnaya Mountain, dedicated to the part that Tuva played in the Great Patriotic War.

Remember that the Victory Park on Poklonnaya Mountain already has a Russian Orthodox church, a mosque, and a synagogue.

Dina Oyun, info from RIA Novosti, translated by Heda Jindrak
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