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«    Fabruary 2010    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Tuva is warming up after New Year

Monday was the first day after an almost two month period of -40 grade freeze, that the temperature rose to -25 degrees.

The elders say: “It is always like this after Shagaa.” In Lunar calendar, Shagaa is the start of the spring-summer season. Interestingly, this Lunar New Year fell on the same date with Maslenica, which is also a symbol of parting with winter. Regardless of the -40 degree freeze, the holiday activities yesterday on Museum Square of Kyzyl attracted great crowds.

A picturesque theatrical performance dedicated to “Shagaa-2010” awaited the spectators, with Ak-sal (White Beard) and Aldyn-kys (Golden Girl), there were Tuvan folk games and contests; the beloved “tevek”, “at shalbylaar”(capture a horse with arkan), the risky “chop a block”, “askak kadai” (lame old woman), and contest in fastest eating of pancakes. In tug-of-war, the “South” team turned out to be the strongest one. The game of “tevek” went to Chokpek-pa Baza-ool with 100 hits.

Ondar Khaya won the arm-wrestling competition.

In the freezing weather, the hot, fresh pancakes were selling, literally, “like hotcakes”.

The grand finale of the holiday was the traditional burning of the straw Maslenica effigy.

Concerts, dedicated to the day of couples in love took place as well. This holiday, for example, was celebrated in Samagaltai (Tes-Khem kozhuun).

Dina Oyun, translated by Heda Jindrak
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